Confessed feeling

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We all sit down, nobody daring to break the silence. I look at Alex. She looks so tired. "Maybe you should try and get some sleep. The doctor said it could be a while." "But what if--" I cut her off "Alex come on. I promise I will wake you up if anything happens." I say "Only if you stay with me." Alex says. "you couldn't get rid of me if you tried. But you never would because you would miss me too much." I say trying to lighten the mood. "You're right. I don't know what I would do without you." We get up and walk to an empty room."


"She is going to be okay." The doctor says. Something doesn't feel right. "But" I say. "Um.....she has traces of Krptonite in some of her organs. We are not entirely sure of what the effects will be." He says. I start to cry. I walk up to J'onn and say" Tell Alex....I'm sorry, but I can't be here anymore." Before he can even respond I run out of the DEO as fast as I can.


"Babe wake up." I here somebody whisper. i jolt up. "Oh my God, what happened? What's wrong? Is Kara okay?" I ask quickly. " the doctor has some news." she says. i nod signaling her to continue. "The doctor said that Kara should be okay, but they found traces of Krptonite in some of her organs, and they don't exactly know how it will effect her." She says. I can't take this anymore. Suddenly a surge of anger takes over my body, I run over to the wall and punch it as hard as i can. "DAMMIT" i shout as pain erupts in my hand. "Alex, are you okay?" 'Um, yeah. I just need a minute." I say trying to get control over my emotions. Sometimes I think i just bring Maggie down.

"I think you should go." I say. She doesn't move and inch. "I SAID LEAVE!!!!!" She walks up to me and takes my hand. " This might be broken. Come on let's get this checked out." Why is she not mad at me for yelling at her. " Why are you still here? I just yelled at you for being sweet and helpful." I ask confused. "Because i love you. And you're angry, but not at me. It's okay I forgive you. And I am never going anywhere." She says I kiss her. "I love you too." I say. "now come on, we are going to get the doctor to look at you're hand , and then we are going to sit with Kara until she wakes up. Together." Maggie says. "okay" What did I ever do to deserve to have her in my life.


"where is Lena?" I ask after having the doctor look at my hand. i actually can't believe I broke it. "She was in bad shape and she just ran out of here." Winn said. "Okay Me and Maggie are going to sit with Kara. I will deal with it later." "what was that all about." Maggie asks me. "i promise i will tell you later. I just can't get into it right now." I say looking at Kara's still body. I walk up to her and push a loose piece of hair behind her ear. "You have to wake up. Lena needs you. She has something very important to tell you. And I need my little sister. Who else am i going to binge watch Netflix with? I can't live without you." I sit down next to Maggie in comfortable silence for about an hour or two until we hear Kara quietly mumble something with her eyes still shut. "I think she is just dreaming." i say really disappointed.

Kara suddenly jolts up clutching her side in pain. "Kara are you okay? I thought I lost you." I say and immediately hug her. "Alex, where am I?" she says looking really scared. I look over at Maggie really confused. "What do you mean, we are at the DEO." I say. "wh..what is that. Um....who is that" she says pointing to Maggie. "Kara. Stop joking. It is Maggie, my girlfriend." Well, that is new. When did that happen?" "Kara what is the last thing you remember?" "Umm.... we were talking about Guardian. Did you ever figure out who it was?" Kara asks me. "Um. Sorry I have to go. Sorry" I say. "Oh" she says really said. I t killed me to walk out that door.

"Alex.Wait! Your'e sister needs you right now." Maggie says. " i just need to come up with a plan. She doesn't remember the last 2 months. Can you please stay here and make sure she is okay. Tell her I will be back later." "Yeah, of course. Anything you need. She needs you and bring back Lena." Maggie says i kiss her. "your'e the best."


I need to think about something else, anything else. I start to clean the house. I start to clean off the counter off when i come across an envelope that has my name written. Wow, how did i not see that before. I pick it up and open it up. I read it out loud, since nobody else is here. "Dear daughter, Just know I did this for you. Kara Danvers is nothing more than a coward and a liar, she will never love you, like you love her. > Please come work with us at CADMUS and we can help each other. love Lilian Luthor." Love are you kidding me. She isn't capable of love. A loud knock interrupts my thoughts. I open it and see Alex standing there. "Alex what are you doing here? Is Kara okay?" I ask "yeah. She is awake and she needs you right now, even if she won't admit it. Come with me."


"you should tell her how you feel when she wakes up." Alex tells me. "Go sit with her. Be with her when she wakes up." "Are you sure?" I ask her. "Yes we will talk later. " She says.

I walk in and sit next in the chair next to Kara's bed. I rehurse what i am going to say to her in my head. 'Hey, how's it going-' no that is dumb. 'Um...Kara I love-, no that is to forward. She will think i am a freak. I feel a light squeeze on my hand, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Kara? Can you hear me?" I say. "Lena." She says very weak whisper. "Lena, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I am no hero." She says. I couldn't think of anything to say. After a few minutes of silence i decide to tell her how i feel.

"Um...Kara.....I think i am with you. " Kara just sits there like she didn't hear me. "I think you should go. I need some time. " She says. I think my heart just broke.

I get out of that room as fast as i can, tears streaming down my face. "Lena what's going on?" Alex says grabbing my arm and turning me around. "Um..she doesn' that." She stutters. "Just give her some time. She will come around. I will talk to her."

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now