I Though You Loved Me

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"PUT DOWN THE WEAPON!" I yell at the doctor we have been trying to find for the past week. He was currently holding a gun. We finally have him surrounded after about an hour of chasing him around the city. I will admit that he is good at hiding, but almost nobody can hide from Winn. "Why your going to arrest me anyway and then Lillian will have people kill me." He tells me. I shake my head "No. We will protect you." I tell him. He points the gun at his head "I'm sorry, but nobody can help me." He tell me. "Please you don't want to do this." I tell him trying to calm him down. "Your right I don't, but I have to." He tells me.

He closes his eyes and I see Supergirl flying behind him. I see her rip the gun away from his head and knock him out. "You didn't have to do that. He wasn't a threat. I think he want to help us." I tell her. "Well maybe you should of told me and I could of handled it, but you almost got him killed and our only chance at catching Lillian was almost ruined because of you." She tell me. "Kara. Chill nothing happened. I had it under control." I tell her. "Nothing happened because I was here." She says and grabs the doctor and flys away. "What the hell was that?" I ask myself as I walk back to the car.


I haven't heard from Alex in a while so I decided to call Kara. "J'onn what's up?" She says "Have you from Alex?" "Not recently why?" She asks me. "I sent her to find that doctor about 2 hours ago and I haven't heard from her." I tell her. "Text me the adress I am on my way." She says and hangs up. I text her the address and continue working. Hopefully everything is okay, but I believe Kara can take care of it.


I know I was a little harsh on Alex but ahe needs to learn that her actions have consequences. I know this guy is not going to tell us the truth about Lillan so I guess I have to do this the hard way. I don't want to but I will do what I have to. I can't risk having Lillan being free and hurting somebody. She has always wanted to kill Lena and I don't know what I would do if Lena died.

I take the doctor to an abandoned building that nobody can find us. I grab a chair and tie him up with some rope. I punch him in the face and he wakes up. He groans and slowly opens his eyes. "What the... Supergirl." He says. "Listen to me I don't want to do this. I help people not hurt them, so please just tell me where Lillan is and I will let you go." I tell him. "I'm sorry I really do want to help you, but Lillan will kill me and I know you won't. You're lying Supergirl wouldn't kill anybody." He says with a smirk.

"I don't want to kill you, but I will do anything to protect the people who I love." I tell him. I punch him in the face and break his nose. He groans "TELL ME!" I scream at him. He just shakes his head. I take the knife I brought just in case and stab him in the shoulder. "Okay I will tell you just please stop." He tells me. I give him a piece of paper and he writes down the address. "If you are lying I am going to make you wish you would have killed yourself." I tell him. I pick him up and drop him off at the DEO.


Alex and Kara have been gone for s long time. I start to get a team resdy to go look for them, but Alex walks in, but I notice Kara isn't with her. "Where is Kara?" I ask her. "I'm not for sure. Things kind of went bad with the doctor and Kara came and saved him and she started saying mean things that Kara would never say and she took off with the doctor." She tells me. "So you have no idea where she could have taken the doctor?" I ask her. "No she could have taken him anywhere, but my best guess is in some abandoned building that nobody uses anymore." She tells me.

I see Kara fly down with the doctor he has blood all over his face and a knife in his shoulder. "Kara please tell me you didn't do this." Alex says. "Sorry I can't do that." Kara says. "Why?" Alex asks. "I did what needed to be done and now I know where Lillan is." She says. "We are talking about this later, but for now we are going to catch Lillan and stop her for good." I say. They all nod and we make a plan.


I get a text from Kara telling me to meet her at the DEO now. I quickly head to the DEO. I walk in and see Kara J'onn and Alex talking. Kara sees me and smiles. I walk over to them. "What's going on?" I ask curios as to why they need me. "We know where Lillan is and we need your help to take her down." Kara tells me. "What do you need me to do."

"You're crazy I can't do that!" I yell at them. "Lena listen to me it is the only way. You have to do it." Kara says. "I'm sorry I love you, I really do but I can't do what you are asking me to do." I say and walk out. My phone rings and I anwser it "Hello." "Meet me at Lcorp now. Come alone." The voice says. I get in my car and head to Lcorp. When I get to Lcorp my phone rings "Get into the black van parked in front of Lcorp." The voice says and the call ends. "What the hell." I say and get out of my car and head to the van.

I open the door and I see 3 guys with ski masks on. "Sorry wrong van. I'm just gonna go." I say. "Grab her. The boss wants her alive." One of the guys say. I take my chance and run. I feel a prick in my leg I look down and see a dart. That is never good. Everything starts to spin I fall down and I see a man above me he takes off his mask and smiles and takes his gun and hits me in the face and then I slip into darkness. 

     I wake up when I hear the sound of a door being opened. When i open my eyes my head starts pounding. Oh great they probably knocked me out. I hope that doesn't leave a mark, knowing my luck it will. I see the one and the only Lillian Luthor. "What did I do so wrong that I cant get rid if you." I tell her. She just smiles "Well, hello to you too." She says. "You are like a piece of gum that i cant get off of my shoe." I tell her. She just smiles, I swear nothing phases that woman. "Awe love you too sweetheart." She tells me. "Since we have got all of our greeting out of the way. why am i here?" I ask her.

     All i want to do is go back home with Kara. She takes a seat right across from me "Well my dear daughter I want you to come join me at  CADMUS and before you say no let me show you something."  She says. "Okay fine." She leaves and bring in some guy in a lab coat. "You say aliens aren't bad, but Supergirl tortured this defenseless doctor just to get some information out of him." She tells me.  I shake my head "N-no she wouldn't do that. I'm sorry, actually I'm not sorry I don't believe you." She takes out her phone and throws it down on the table "You don't have to believe me. I have proof." She says. I pick up the phone and press play. I watch Kara torture this doctor. I don't even recognize her anymore.

"I know it is hard Lena, but we need to stop Supergirl before she hurts anyone else." My mother says to me. "No there has to be an explanation for this." I tell her. "Lena listen to me she is a selfish bitch who never cared about you!" She yells at me. Then i realized she was completely one hundred percent right. Kara never loved me.  "Okay what do you need me to do?" I ask her.  She shakes her head and gives my a gentle and loving smile and places her hand on mine. "Nothing, just rest and I will call you when I need you to do your part." She tells me. "come on. This had been a very long day, I am sure."

     She tells me. She walks me out and orders somebody to take my back to my apartment . When I get there I can't help but notice all the photos of me and Kara. I take everyone of them and throw them on the ground. As I watch the glass break on every single one I can't help but feel a little relief and a little less stressed. Then I remember all the memories me and Kara have made here and I realize I can't stay here anymore. I take some lighter fluid and pour it everywhere. I grab a match with tears streaming down my face and drop the match watching everything burn. I walk out if the door before I get hurt. When I am outside I see Kara flying to put out the fire.

Of course she would have to show up. Suddenly someone grabs me and I am on top of a building. "Oh my God Lena are you alright?" She asks me like she actually cares if i live or die. She tries to pull me into a hug but i smack her across the face even though I know she won't feel it. I know what I need to do. I need her to feel all the pain she caused me. "Don't you dare touch me. Ever again!" I yell at her. She looks so hurt. "Lena what is wrong?" She asks me. "Get the fuck away from me!" I yell so loud I am pretty sure the whole city heard me. I see a tear fall down her face and she slowly nods and fly's away.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now