That's My Girl

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     I can't believe she actually fell for that trap. All it took was to say that Kara didn't love her. Wow I wish I would have used that from day one then that dumb Kryptonion bitch would already be dead. Maybe I can get them to kill each other. That would be fucking awesome! The only problem is getting Kara to turn on Lena, but I think I have the perfect solution to that. I'm going to hav-. "Um Ms. Luthor?" "ugh can't I plot my evil plans in peace?" I say while rolling my eyes at him.

     " Um...Um so-sorry Um...-" I interrupt his stuttering by quickly getting out of my chair, which causes it t flip over. I punch him the face. "Spit it out!" I yell at him. "Your daughter called. She wants to talk to you. She said to meet at Lcorp in her office." He says while holding his bleeding nose. "Now was that so god damn hard." I say and walk out. I see a guy outside the door. "I hate the new guy. Get rid of him." I tell him. Seconds later I hear a gun shot. I smile to myself knowing I accomplished something amazing today. I did the world a favor by getting rid of that nervous loser who would amount to nothing in life. 

     I get out of the SUV and walk into the building. The secretary come up to me. "Ms. Luthor said to give you this and for you to wait in her office until she gets back from an errand." She tells me and hands me a medium sized box. I walk into Lena's office and sit on the couch and open the box. I very surprised when I see  gun with kryptonite bullets in it. Lena then bursts through the door with an girl handcuffed. "Lena who is your 'friend'?" I ask skeptically.

      "She is no friend of mine mother." I see hurt flash through the woman's face. "Her name is Maggie and she is the key in my plan to get revenge on Kara." She says with an evil smirk on her face. That's my girl. "Okay shall we begin. I love plotting against people. It is my second favorite thing to do." I tell her with a big smile on my face. "Well than what is your favorite thing to do mother?" She ask me. "Duh it is obviously killing people." I say while laughing. " I do it almost everyday." I say and smirk remember how I helped the world out today. By the way you're welcome world. Not that I am going to get a thanks for all of my hard work or anything. 

KARA POV (Right after Kara and Lena's talk)

     What did I do? I just can't even think straight right now. As soon as i fly off I call Alex and she hears me crying she tells me to come over and hangs up. 'I have nothing better to do, it is not like I have a girlfriend or anything' I think to myself as I arrive at my sister's apartment. I fly through the open window. I see Alex in the kitchen with a pizza and pot stickers. She always knows how to make me feel better. But I have feeling food is not going to fix the hole in my heart this time. Alex turns around and hugs me.

     "I have some of your clothes still here. Do you want  me to go get them for you?"  I look around and realize Maggie is not here. "Where is Maggie?" I ask her. "She texted me and said she is spending the weekend with an old friend." She tells meShe says and I just notice that I am still in my Supergirl outfit. "Yeah Alex that would be great. Thanks." I say and smile a sad smile. She is back in a couple seconds. "here you go." She says. I take them and walk in the bathroom to change. I am done but I can't find it in me to leave. I sit on the floor and put my hands and cry silently remembering all the times Lena made me smile and forget when I had a rough day being Supergirl.

       She would always make me forget all the bad things. I always had one thing to look forward to when I had a bad day, that was coming home to the woman I love more than anything in the messed up world. And now what do I have, I have nothing. I hear a knock on the door. "Are you okay?" Alex asks me. I quickly stand up and wipe my tears and turn on the sink. "Yeah just washing my hands." I say. I turn the sink off and walk out the door.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now