Can I See Her

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    I can't believe she actually forgot me and all we have been through. We have been through so much together, but I know Alex will do everything she can to help Kara. All I can do now is just continue my sad and lonely life. As I am about to continue reading some boring paper work  in my office, but I hear a knock on the door.

    My mother comes barging through. My assistant comes in right after. "So sorry Miss Luthor I tried to stop her.  Would you like me to call security?" She tells me. "Aginst my better judgement no I will handle this problem myself but thank you." I tell her and she walks out and closes the door behind her.

     "You have 10 seconds to tell me why you came here and invaded my life." I tell her annoyed. "Come work with me at CADMUS." She says. I laugh at her. "After all that you have done to supergirl. Do you have any idea what that guy that you sent did to her!" I yell at her. She nods "I know you care for Kara, but she is not good for you." She tells me. I look at her shocked. She laughs " Yes I do know she is supergirl." She tells me

     "Why the hell would I even consider working with after what you did to the person I love the most?" "Because I can give her memories back." "How?" I ask her. "Well CADMUS has been working on memory recovery for something else and I think it will help your little girlfriend."

     She says while pulling a syringe will a glowing blue liquid inside. "What is it?" I ask her curiously. I go to touch it but she puts it back in her pocket with an evil smirk on her lips. "So do we have a deal or not. I will give you the syringe and in 2 days you will come with me and be a real Luthor." I nod "Deal." I tell her. She put it on my desk. "If you even think about turning against me i will kill Kara and everybody she has ever loved and make her watch. " She tells me then walks out the door.

   I call Alex and she almost anwsers immediately. "Alex where are you?" I ask her. "At the DEO. Why?" She asks me. "I have a way to get Kara's memories back. Be there in 5." I tell her then I hang up and head to the DEO before she can ask me any  questions. Tonight is the night where I get her back.

     When I get to the DEO Alex is standing outside waiting for me to get there. "Where is she?" I ask Alex. I try to enter but Alex holds me back. "Hold on what are you going to do." She asks me. I obviously can't tell her the truth so I have to lie. "Lcorp recently has been developing a  recovery drug. My scientists say it should work." I tell her. She nods and leads me to Kara.

     When I walk into the room she is sleeping. Alex follows behind me. "I'm sorry this is all my fault, but I'm going to fix it." I whisper to her as I grip the syringe in my pocket. I quickly grab it out of my pocket and inset the liquid into her neck. She immediately  opens her eyes. "Lena?" She says which surprised me. Wow my mother actually helped me.

Next thing I know Kara's body is seizing. I am moved out of the way so the doctors can work. Her pulse is high. "She is spiking!" One of the doctors tell. By now I am pushed out of the room but they didn't close the door so I can hear everything. I can tell by all the doctors yelling that they have no idea how to stop it. If she dies it will be all my fault for trusting my mother. "Her heartbeat, she is stabilizing." I hear Alex say to the doctors. I no longer hear the rapid beeping of the machine, it has stopped to a steady rhythm.

     Alex comes out of the room and the doctors come out and go back to what they were doing before. Alex walks up to me. "We have no idea what happened but she seems to be okay. She will wake up in a few hours. Since she said your name before whatever the hell just happened I think she has her memory back." She tells me. I smile "Can i see her?" I ask. She nods and then walks off.

     I walk into the room she laying in the bed with her eyes shut. I go sit down next to her and grab her hand. She mumbles something as soon as our hands touch. "I'm sorry what did you say babe?" I ask her. "I'm sorry." She says with her eyes still closed. Why is she sorry I am the one who injected her with some unknown substance that my mother gave me. "Why are you sorry?" I ask her really confused

     She opens her eyes "Because I forgot you. I forgot us." She tells me sadly. "It wasn't your fault a physco attacked you and almost killed you." I tell her. She laughs lightly. "I hate this room." She tells me. "Me too babe. Let me talk to your sister about getting you the hell out of here." I tell her. I go to leave but she won't let go of my hand. "Don't go. Please." She begs me. I nod. She scoots over and I lay down in the uncomfortable hospital bed  "I am never going anywhere." I tell her.

     She kisses me and then snuggles her head I to my side. I wrap my arm around her body trying to make her comfortable as possible. "Goodnight Lena. I love you." She whispers. Before I can say anything I hear her lightly snoring. I smile. "Goodnight. I love you too more than anything." I say and kiss her head, then go to sleep.

I'm so sorry this took forever and it is so short. I have just been dealing with some stuff. I will try to get more done this weekend. I would also like to say thank you to all the people who read my crappy story. I didn't expect 100 people to read this, let alone almost 9k. So thank you all so much.




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