Stay With Me

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     I get up from the couch to find something to eat. I bend down and i gasp at the pain it still hurts but I will never tell Lena because she stills blames herself. I go sit back down and close my eyes and hold my side. "Babe are you okay?" She asks me. Damn I thought she was still sleeping. I open my eyes and smile "Of course." I tell her and force myself to smile. "Let me see." She says and tries to lift up my shirt. I grab her hand "I'm fine." I tell her seriously. "Kara let me see." She says and I know if I fight her on this she will do something way worse than the pain than I am feeling now. I slowly pull up my shirt and she gasps. She looks at me and she has tears forming in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" She says. "Honestly it didn't look that bad last night." I tell her. I look down at my stomach and there is a big purple bruise. That was not there last night.

     "How much pain are you in, and don't say you're fine because this is not what fine looks like." She tells me. "It hurts, but nothing I can't handle." i tell her. "No. I am calling Alex over to come look at this. It could be something serious." She tells me and pulls out her phone. I would have fought her on this, but I am way to tired to fight. Lena goes into the other room and I feel my eyes getting heavy and I close them.


"Me and Maggie will be there in 5." Alex says and I hang up. "Alex said she will be here in 5 minutes!" I yell. I get no response so I go check on her. I walk out and see Kara on the couch with her eyes closed. "Kara?" I say and get no response. I gently shake her and she barely opens her eyes. She looks around and yawns "Sorry I must have fallen asleep." She tells me. She saw the worried expression n my face and holds my hand to reassure me that she is fine. She was about to say something but I hear a loud knock on the door. I open the door and I see Alex and Maggie I move out of the way so they can come in. 

     "So what happened?" Alex asks me while walking over to Kara who is sitting on the couch. I can tell she can barely keep her eyes open. "It's okay. Go to sleep Kara." I tell her and she closes her eyes. I pull them into the kitchen. "So she was in pain this morning and there is a big bruise around her wound and she can barely keep her eyes open. It might be nothing, but I just want to make sure she is safe." I tell them. "Well if she is tired I can just look at the bruise while she is sleeping." Alex says. I nod and we follow her to Kara who is sleeping peacefully. Alex lifts up Kara's shirt and she just stares at her stomach. She pulls her shirt back down and kisses her on the head. She picks Kara up and puts her in our bed. To say the least this really makes me worry.

     "What is it?" Maggie asks before I got the chance. "I am not for sure, but I can yell you it is something bad." She says and I don't know what to do. I am tired of crying and crying won't help her. "When did that bruise appear?" Alex asks me. " I think it just appeared today. Kara said it was not there last night." I tell her. "I need you and Maggie to stay with her while I go to the DEO and try to figure whatever this is out." She tell us. "Me and Lena won't let anything happen to your sister. I promise." Maggie says and gives her a kiss. "I actually do need something before i go though. "Does Kara have her powers back yet?" She asks me. I shake my head no. "That makes thing a hell of a lot easier." She says and goes to her bag. 

     "What are you doing?" Maggie asks her. Alex pulls out a syringe from her bag and says "I need to see if anything is wrong with her blood and I need to take a picture of her stomach." She says and head to the bedroom. We quickly follow her. Kara wakes up and looks confused as to why we are in here. "Lena what is going on?" She asks me. "Damn this would have been a lot easier if she was asleep. Lena I need you to hold her so she does not move." She tells me. I get in bed and get behind Kara who is beyond confused. I hold in her in place which is very hard because she has not stopped moving. "Relax Kara. Everything is going to be okay." I whisper and Kara looks at me. I kiss her to distract her. 

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now