You Need To Stay Awake

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When I left Casey's room I go find Alex. She is on the balcony staring at the city. "Hey what you doing?" I ask her. "Ummm it is nothing." She says. "I can tell your lying." I tell her. "Okay when we get Lena back I will tell you." She tells me. I nod. Alex tells everyone to meet in the training room in five minutes.

When everybody gets there we start to come up with a plan to get my Lena back home safe and sound. "Okay  you are all here because I trust all of you and I need your help to save Lena. Will you help me?" "Of course Kara." J'onn says. "You don't even have to ask Kara" Winn and James agree with him. "Well I have to check my calendar." Mon-el says. J'onn hits him on the arm and he wines "Yeah yeah I think I am free." He says rubbing his arm.

"First thing is we need to actually find Lena. Winn that's your job. James and Winn I want you to ask around and see if you can find what Lillan is planning. Alex we need a strike team. Get that ready and I will call you when we are ready and me and Mon-el will fly around and see if we can hear her. I will call you if we find her. Everybody understand." They nod and leave.

Alex waits until everybody leaves. "Are you sure you trust Mon-el?" She asks me. "Yes he might be a rude jack ass like all the time but at the end of the day he is always there for me." I say. "Okay just please be careful and don't die, Lillian always has some evil trick up her sleeve." She tells me. I hug her. "Of course. Now come on let's go get Lena back." I say and we head out to go meet up with the others.

I walk in and decide to check in on Casey. I open the door and she is trying to walk around the room. I hurry over to her before she falls. "Woah why are you up?" I ask as I help her sit back down on the bed. "I don't know I just feel useless." She tells me. "Hey it is okay you're healing, sometimes that takes some time." I tell her. I look at the clock. Me and Mon-el don't have to leave for another hour so I decide to stay and get to know Casey.

"Since I don't have to leave for another hour, do you mind if I stay?" I ask her. "Of course you can stay Kara. After all you did save my life." She says. "We don't really know anything about each other. Tell me about yourself." I tell her. "Well I do like to hack stuff but let's keep between me and you." She says with a smile. "Are you any good?" I ask her. She shrugs "I only started when I was thirteen." She says. "Wait how old are you?" I ask "twenty three." She says. " You have to meet Winn he is in love with computers, like he would marry one if he could." She laughs. "I will be back in a second." I say and leave to go find Winn.

I find Winn talking to some guy. When I get there the guy leaves. "Hey are you busy?" I ask. "No why?" He says. "Okay so Casey the girl I saved said she has been hacking for ten years, so I was wondering if you could see if she is good enough to help us save Lena." I say. "Yeah sure we could always use more people, but do you really trust her to help?" He asks me. "Yeah I know I haven't known her for very long but I just know I can trust her." I tell him. "Okay if you trust her I trust her." He says.

Right when we are about to walk in Alex tells my name and runs over to us. "What's up?" I ask her. "I need your help getting together the strike team." She says. I nod. "Tell Casey that something came up and I will stop by later." I say to Winn and walk away with Alex.

"So what do need help with?" I ask her. She pulls me in the training room with the kryptonite emitters on. "Alex what are we doing here?" I ask her. She punches me across the face and I fall to the ground. "What the hell Alex!" I yell. I touch my lip and I see blood on my fingers. "Damn krptonite." I say. She shifts into an alien. "Oh by the way I am not your sister, my name is Kayla and Ms. Luthor sent me here to kill you." She says.

I get up and wipe the blood off my face. "Even with the kryptonite emitters on you couldn't kill me." I say. "Yeah you want to bet." I nod. I charge at her and try to punch her in the face but she catches my fast and throws me against the wall. Damn that hurt. I try to get up but she knees me in the stomach. I get on my knees and start coughing. When I get up she across the room. "Where is my sister?" I ask. "Well I kind of had to knock her unconscience and tie her up. Don't worry I shoved her in the closet. She will come out eventually." She says.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now