I Can't Do This Anymore

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     When I wake up Lena is still asleep. She is so cute when she is sleeping. I can't help but stare at her, I am so lucky to have her in my life. I don't know what I would do without her. I am pulled from my own thoughts when I feel movement next to me. I look down and Lena opens her eyes. She looks up at me. She is so cute in the morning when she wakes up. " Why are you smiling?" She asks me while smiling herself. "You." I say and lean down to kiss her.

     She pulls away and she looks down avoiding eye contact with me. "Lena what's wrong?" I ask her worried. "It is nothing." She says, but I don't believe her. She starts to get up but I grab her wrist and pull her back on the bed. We both sit up and look at each other. I can tell something is wrong. "Tell me what is wrong." I tell her. "I am just worried about you." She tells me. "Why?" I ask her. She gets up and starts pacing around the room "Because I love you and I don't want to loose you. And all I want is to go somewhere and be happy with you  and not have to worry every time you leave if I will ever see you again!" She says.

     I get up off the bed a walk over to her. I grab both of her hands to try to calm her down some. It seems to work. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment. "Lena i love you so much. If you want me to stop being supergirl I will." I say. I would do anything for her. "No. I can see how much you love saving people and being a hero, I can't be the one to take that away from you. And this city needs you." She tells me. "But if you wa-"

     She cuts me off by placing her lips on mine. She starts kissing my jaw and then she kisses me right under my ear. "I said no. I will not let you sacrifice anything more for me." She whispers then walks off. I stand there shocked. I follow after her and find her sitting on the couch reading a book. I sit next to her and kiss her on the cheek. "You know I would sacrifice anything for you." I tell her. She closes her book and looks at me "I know and that is the problem. You don't care what happens to you as long as everybody is safe." She tells me.

     "Where is this coming from?" I ask her. "I am just being honest." She tell me. "So what exactly are you saying?" I ask her slightly afraid of the anwser by the way she is talking. "Until you start valuing your own life I can't do this anymore." As soon as she said that my heart shattered into a million pieces that only she could put back together. I could bearly contain my tears. I didn't want her to see me cry
"Ummm...okay, if If that.....is Uh what you want." I stutter out, clenching my jaw while trying to stop the tears. "It is." She simply say while walking toward the door. She turns around and says "goodbye Kara." and then walks out the door.

     As soon as the door shuts the tears strsm out of my eyes. 'What did I do.' 'Can i fix it?' 'What the hell is wrong with me?' All these thoughts swirl around in my head. I scream as loud as I can and pick up a lamp and throw it against the wall and it shatters into a million little pieces. I fall to the ground sobbing.

    I hear the door open, but I am too exhausted to turn around and see who it is. I hope it is Lena. "Kara are you okay?" Alex says really worried. She stands in front of me trying to avoid the broken lamp on the floor. "Kara what the hell happened? Kara talk to me." She pleads. I look up at her. She told her hands out to help me up. When I am on my feet we walk to the couch.

    "Now tell me what happened." Alex says softly. "L-lena broke up with me. I think." I say. I look up at Alex and see her face has a mixed expression of hurt, anger, and sadness. "Why? What did she say?" Alex asks. "I don't know she just freaked out. She said I need to start valuing my own life and that she couldn't do this anymore." I say while trying not to cry. "Where is Lena?" Alex asks me. "I..i don't know....she just.....walked out and say goodbye." I say while crying. Alex hugs me tells me that everything will be okay. I drift off to sleep while she rubs me back soothingly.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now