I Will Never Forgive Myself

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     As soon as i pulled the trigger I realized I made the biggest mistake of my life. Kara is laying on the ground with a bullet in your stomach and it is all because of me. Oh god what happens of she dies. Alex can't move because my mother is pointing a gun at her. I rush over to Kara and her breathing is slowed but her eyes are still open, well that is a good sign. "Kara I'm so sorry. I don't know why I-" She just smiles at me "Shh it is okay. i forgive you." She tells me. "Why I shot you and no you are probably going to die." I say while tears fall from eyes. 

     "Because I...love you more than anything, and I am very sorry i made you doubt that even for a second.' She says. I can tell that I need to get her to a doctor or she really is going to die. She closes her eyes. "I love you too." I whisper and I get up and pull out another gun and point it at my mother. In response she just laughs at me. 

     "Oh and what do you suppose you are going to do with that?" She asks me trying to contain her laughter. "something that I have been wanting to do for a while." I say and pull the trigger. It hits her in the straight in the chest and she immediately goes to the ground. I finally did it. I killed the monster. "I will deal with you later, but now I need your help so Kara won't die." Alex tells me. She calls the DEO and I sit with Kara. "Please you have to wake up. You just have to. If you don't make it, neither will I. If you die I die." I whisper in her ear.  I will never forgive myself if she dies.


     I can't believe Lena actually shot Kara. I didn't think she would actually do it. It's like Maggie shooting me... I just can't believe it. I thought Lena loved Kara. Maybe she is just like the other Luthors, but then why did she kill her mother? Ugh I just want some god damn anwsers And I sure as hell am going to get them. Well after I know Kara is going to be safe. About 5 minutes after I called J'onn he came flying in and picked Kara and flew away with her.

     Lena turns around and looks at me. She opens her mouth to say something but I best her to it. "Don't  you dare apologise because i don't want to fucking hear your toxic lies right now." I tell her trying to stay calm. She nods and turns around and starts to walk away. "And where do you think you are going?" I ask her harshly. "I..i don't know." She tells me. "I do. You're coming with me. I'm locking you up and if..when Kara wakes up she can de die what to do with you." I tell her and grab her arm and lead her to the back seat of my car. I start to drive toward the DEO.

    This is going to be one long awkwad ass drive. "I'm so so-" "stop save your lies Luthor." I say and she automatically shuts up. "You better hope Kara doesn't die because if she does you're life will become so much worse than you can even imagine." I tell her. "Trust me I know." She whispers. I could bearly even hear her. "But you did do one thing right today. You killed Lillian and you helped save Maggie." I tell her. "Where is she by the way?" Lena asks me.

     "Son of a bitch!" I yell and slam on the breaks. I can't believe I forgot her. I turn the car around and head back to get her. "Oh god I'm never going to hear the end of this." I say and I hear Lena laugh and I can't help but smile.


"I can't believe you actually forget me babe." Maggie tells me. To say the least she was really pissed, "But I remembered you. Eventually." I tell her. She just rolls her eyes and looks out the window. I grab her hand and she looks me "Forgive me?" I ask her already knowing the answer. "Of course." She says and kissing my hand. I just smile and focus on the road. 

     When we arrive at the DEO Lena jumps out of the car and runs into the DEO. When me and Maggie get inside J'onn is putting handcuffs on Lena. "J'onn stop. She isn't going to hurt anyone and if she does I will do that myself." I tell him. He nods and takes them off and he walks away. "thanks." She says while rubbing her wrists. "Yeah, Whatever but if you do hurt anybody you will definitely regret it." I say and walk around and try to find Kara. I see her in a room sleeping. I walk in and see a doctor.

     "Um how is she?" I ask. "Surprisingly the bullet didn't cause that much damage." He tells us. "But...." I say sensing that there is something more. He similes "No, but She should wake up in a couple of hours. She is going to be okay. Just make sure she takes it easy for a while." He tells me and walks out. I smile and i turn around and see Lena crying. "what's wrong?" I ask her. "I thought I killed her..... I though She was going to die." She tell me in between sobs. I embrace her in a hug. She just continue to cry's

     "I have..um some stuff to um check up on. See ya later babe." Maggie says and walk out giving us some privacy.  "It is okay. I am sure Kara will forgive you." i tell her.

     " Why? I know I will never forgive myself for the pain I have caused her." She tells me. I pull back and look her in the eyes "It is going to be okay. Lillian is gone now and we can all move forward. She can't hurt anyone anymore." I tell her.  She just nods. "l-Lena." We hear Kara whisper. I look at Kara and see her looking at Lena. "I will give you two some privacy." I tell them and then walk out to find Maggie.


     The moment Alex leaves the room I can't move I am just in shock that she is here and looking at me right now. I for sure thought that I killed the person that means the most to me. "Lena." Kara says again. I go sit down on the chair next to the bed. I look down at the floor, I can't find the strength to look at her. She grabs my hand and forces me to look at her. "No matter what you do I will never stop loving you." She tells me and kisses my hand. "But I shot you." I say.

      "I know, but Lillian played you, like she has played us all and it is okay. I forgive you." She tells me. "I am so sorry." I tell her. She shakes her head and smiles "You are just going t keep apologizing, no matter what I say." She says. I just nod in response. She scoots over and I curl into her.  "i love you and I promise I will never ever hurt you again." i tell her. I hear her breathing In response and I can tell she is already asleep.


     I walk past the window where Kara is supposed to be and I see Lena and Kara sleeping together. I know what you are thinking and not that kind of sleeping together. "Awe I love them. They are so cute together." I say. I hear someone laughing. I turn around and see Maggie and Alex. "Damnit you scared me." I tell them. "Anything scares you. It is not that hard." Alex says and Maggie laughs. "You guy are so not my favorite couple anymore." I tell them.

      "Then who the hell is. I will kill them." Alex says. "Supercorp for life." I tell them. "What the hell is a Supercorp?" Maggie asks me. "Kara and Lena's ship name. Duh." I tell them. They just burst out laughing. Maggie looks through the window "They do look pretty cute together." She says. "If I shot you I would never hear the end of it." Alex says and we all laugh. 

Unfortunately the next chapter will be the last chapter of this book. Thank you everyone who has stuck with this book and read it. I am so happy I decided to write this. Thank you again.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now