Do I Know You

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"No! There has to be something we can do." I yell. Alex guides me outside and then says something I didn't hear to the doctors. She comes back out "Lena we will try our best to save her, but there is a possibility that she won't make it." Alex tells me. I shake my head "No she can't die. I have so many things I want to do with her. She can't. I won't let her." I say trying to think of a plan.

"Lena please don't do anything stupid that will get yourself hurt or killed. That would be the last thing Kara would want." Alex tells me. "I will promise you that once you find out a plan to save her." I tell her. "Lena please Kara will actually kill me if anything happens to you." She begs me. "Alex I just can't sit here and do nothing!" I yell. I didn't mean to yell at her but I need to help Kara not just sit here and watch her die.

"Fine follow me." She says. She starts to walk and I follow right behind her. A couple minutes later we are in a lab. "What are we doing here?" I ask Alex. She walks over to a tray with a peice of metal on it. "We can't come up with a plan to help Kara if we can't identify this metal. You are beyond smart Lena. If anyone can figure this out it is you." She tells me. "Why don't we just torture my mother until she tells us what it is and how to help Kara?" I ask her

"Um yeah about your mom. She kind of got away." She says while looking at the ground. "What the hell do you mean she got away. You guys shot her. Twice!" I say. She looks at me "Well the guys who were supposed to bring her never did, so I am guessing they either worked for CADMUS and helped your mother escape or someone else helped her and they killed the agents who were supposed to bring her in." She tells me.

"Well do have any clue where she might have gone?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "Anyway that isn't our top priority. Saving Kara is. Kara is way more important than your backstabbing bitch of a mother." She says. I nod and start to work on trying to identify the metal that is killing Kara.


I can't believe those two dumb bitches actually shot me. I am going to make there lives a living hell. I am just thankful that a couple of my loyal companions rescued me, but this dumb ass doctor is doing a bang up job removing these bullets. "Where did you go to Medical school? Oh wait you probably didn't because nobody would want fuck up like you in their school. If you probably became a real doctor you would probably kill every single patient." I tell him while laughing.

"Get Out of here before you actually kill me. I will do this myself!" I yell at him. He runs away. I pull out the bullets, stitch up the wounds and wrap them. "Wow was that so hard. I could have done that while killing Supergirl. Oh wait I already did that." I say to myself while laughing. I walk out of the medical room and find the rest of my team. Right now it only consists of seven people including me.

"Thank you to everyone you stayed true to the cause of making Earth alien-free. You will be granted a reward and the others who betrayed will burn in the hottest hole in hell for betraying me." I say. They all smiled in response. "Does anybody know where the others who betrayed me are?" I ask them. "I am pretty sure some of them got arrested and are being held at the DEO for questioning." One of them says. "Okay everybody's job is to find them. Whoever kills the most gets a promotion." I tell them. They all head out to kill. My favorite thing to do.


I really hope Lena can find out what Lillan stabbed Kara with, but I know if she can't figure it out we are screwed. I am positive she can figure it out, but the question us can she figure it out before Kara dies. My phone starts ringing. "This is Alex." I say not bothering to look who is calling. "I found something. Get down to the lab. Now." Lena says. I hang up and run to the lab where Lena is. When I get there she is talking to another guy. When she sees me she dismisses the guy and walks over to me.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now