I Love You Too

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I walk in and see Kara laying there not moving. I sit down in the chair next to her and I grab her hand. "I'm not leaving until you wake up" I say hoping she can hear me. I can,t live without her, I won't. She has to wake up. "I love you Kara. Please don't leave me." I say to her and then I drift off you sleep.


I go to check on Kara, but I find Lena asleep next to Kara holding her hand. I smile to myself walking out of the room. I see Maggie standing there looking really upset and angry. Shit. I forgot to call her. "What the hell!!! Why didn't you call me?" She yells. A few of the agents stare at us.

I pull Maggie into a room so we could talk more privately. "Before you start yelling at me explain." She nods in response. "Okay, so Kara was acting all mean and pushing everyone away and I left to go get Lena and when we got back we saw her kill the guy who attacked her. She collapsed and then we did a brain scan and it showed that a device had been implanted in her brain. We did a surgery to remove it, but now she is in a coma."

I say. Maggie's face softens and she hugs me. She pulls away wiping a few tears off my face. "I forgive you. Is she going to be okay?" "Yeah she should wake up, but I am more worried about Lena if Kara dies not wake up soon." She gives me a confused look. "What is going on between those two?" Maggie asks me. "Okay so basically Lena loves Kara...like a lot. I know my sister, even though she won't admit it she loves Lena too." I say.

"Oh that actually makes a lot if sense." She says. "When do the doctors think Kara will wwake up?" Maggie asks me. "They estimate that she could wake up in a couple of weeks or a month, but to be honest they don't really know fokr sure." I say. "Alex, come here. It will be okay." She says while opening her arms to give me a hug. "Why don't we go back to my aparttment and take a couple of days off and just relax." She says. "But-" "Alex, come on Lena is watching Kara and I am sure if anything happens that you will be the first person she will call." I nod. "Okay."


"Kara please wake up. I just need to know that you are not going to stay like this forever." No reply. "I...cant take losing you. I...love you. I say. "I love you too Lena." I look down at Kara and her eyes are open but she has tears in them. " Kara!! Oh my god you're awake." "What's wrong" I ask because I see a tear roll down her face. "I hurt you when I told you j didn't feel the same and I...oh...my god I killed somebody.. I am a murder."

She says sobbing. "Hey. Hey, Kara that wasn't you. CADMUS was controlling you." I say trying to call her down. Eventually she stops crying and looks up at me and smiles. "I love you so much." She says. I see her quickly glance down at my lips. I quickly put both of my hands on her face and our lips connect. She pulls away. "I've been wanting to do that since the day I saw you in your office." "Me too."

Our lips connect once more but she suddenly pulls back and holds her head. "Kara are you okay?" I ask really worried. "Yeah it is just a headache. I think I just need some rest." She says. "Okay." I say and bend down and kiss her lightly on the forehead. "I'll let you get some rest." I say. I start to walk away but I feel her grip my hand. "Please. Stay with me." She says. "Of course." I say. "She scoots over and I climb into bed next to her.

She wraps her arm around me. "How is this comfortable for you?" U ask her. "It isn't but I love being next to you." I am about to ask her how her wounds are healing but I hear her lightly snoring. "Goodnight love" I say and kiss her lightly on the lips then I drift off to sleep.


Me and Maggie walk into the DEL and check on Kara and we find Kara and Lena sleeping together. "Awwee they are too cute" Maggie whispers in my ear. "I know." Lena stirs in herr sleep and opens her eyes. She tried to get up without waking Kara but failed. "Babe, where are you going?" Kara asks. "Who have a visitor." Lena says. Kara slowly sits up. "Alex." Kara says really happy to see her sister. "Kara. Are you okay?" She asks as she gives her sister a hug. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm good. I just have a really bad headache." She tells me

"Just get some rest and you should be okay." I tell her. I am about to leave so Kara can get some sleep bit Kara stops me. "Alex?" She says. I turn around. "When can I go home?" I laugh lightly. "Not for a while. You can't stay by yourself, just in case something bad happens." I say. Kara looks down with a sad expression on her face. "What if she stays at my apartment and I could watch over her." Lena suggests. "Lena, you don't have to." Kara tells her. "I want to." Lena adds. "Okay, but the second you think something might be wrong you call me. Got it?" I say. "Okay. I promise." Lena tells me.


A few minutes later Alex left the room and came back with some normal cloths. I turn around while she gets dressed. "Okay I am ready." She says. She tries to get up bit she falls right back down on to the bed. I can tell she is very frustrated and angry. "Hey, Kara you forgot something. " She looks at me really confused, which I found really cute. I pick her glasses up off the table next to her and gently place them on her face. "What would I do without you?" She asks me smiling. "Who knows. Let's never ever find out." I say.

I help her off the bed. When she is standing I wrap my arm around her to support her so she won't fall. We make it out to my car and I open the passenger door and help Kara in. I walk around to the drivers side and quickly get in. I grab Kara's hand and start heading to my apartment.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now