7: The Search.

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It had been three months since the events at Mount Weather. Not a moment passed that I didnt think of her. I was plagued by nightmares of her death until Indra had gotten word from Kane that Clarke was still alive. As predicted she had found a way into The Mountain and saved her people by ending the lives of the Mountain Men.
I still felt a deep regret at not being by her side to help  shoulder the burden of her decisions. These choices we make as leaders are always difficult, but we do it for our people, our own needs must always be secondary. The conflict between the heart and the head is an age old battle that we can never truly win.
It concerned me to hear Clarke had made a decision to leave her people after Mount Weather. It would seem the death toll had created a conflict in her mind, I felt responsible for the situation I had put her in.  I had no idea Clarke would become such an important figure to my people. That somehow she would cease to be Clarke Kom Skaikru, the caring, reluctant leader I fell in love with, that a much darker identity would rise in  its place. The clans began to call her, Wanheda, Commander of Death, Mountain Slayer.
Both Titus and Indra had heard whispers of how Clarke was now a target for certain clans. Her deeds at Mount Weather had spread across the lands and she now had an entire myth surrounding her. Some wanted her to join their clan others such as Azgeda wanted her head. Claim the life of The Commander of Death and you have the power to master death itself.
This would not stand. As Commander I had a duty to maintain order and a duty to protect Clarke. It was my choices, my decisions that had led to her being hunted. Now was the time I needed to make amends, to find her and keep her safe.

I called a meeting of all the Clan Ambassadors to discuss the escalating situation of Wanheda. My feelings on the matter were quite clear, Clarke was now under the protection of Polis and The Commander. Tension filled the air as the Ambassador for The Ice Nation spoke his mind, "why would you, as Commander, offer protection to Wanheda? Maybe you seek her power for yourself?"
His words were intended to be  disrespectful. Azgeda had always behaved this way since joining the coalition. Now that we no longer had a common enemy in the Mountain Men, it seemed The Ice Nation were becoming bolder in distancing themselves from their Commander. Queen Nia never truly desired to be a part of such unity, she had always craved her own power. Azgeda were reverting back to their old ways and by discrediting me as Heda I feared the coalition now stood on broken ground.
"I am Commander! I hold the legacy of Becca Pramheda! Wanhedas strength is of no consequence to me. You would do well to remind your Queen of that." My tone was  full of authority, forcing The Ice Nation Ambassador to sit back down in his chair. An uncomfortable silence filled the throne room as I continued with my warning to the clans, "Wanheda has earned her respect in these halls. The Mountain Men are gone, gratitude will be offered to Clarke Kom Skaikru. My words here are final!" Titus dismissed the Ambassadors, it was obvious not all of them agreed with me. I was left with an uneasy feeling that some of the clans would not heed my orders. Disobeying The Commander only ever led to political unrest and ultimately civil war. I had no other choice  than to find Clarke and bring her to the safety of Polis. It now seemed the the future of our fragile unity rested with the power of Wanheda.

After meeting with the Ambassadors I had ordered Indra to find me a skilled bounty hunter. Clarke could be anywhere in these lands and I suspected far away from Arkadia. I had no idea if she even knew just how valuable she had become, especially to Queen Nia.
Titus had questioned my motives, concerned that I was seeking out Clarke for reasons other than political. He was right. I wanted to make sure she was safe and to tell her I was sorry. That was the least I could do for her. I had already started to make my amends to Skaikru by working through a peace treaty with Chancellor Griffin and Kane. More than ever I had a duty to protect her people as well as my own. It would probably be a long time before Clarke could ever forgive my actions at Mount Weather, maybe she never would. I had to try to heal this situation for a better future.
Come the dusk light I had received word from Indra that a bounty hunter had been found. He was skilled, effective and determined. But this hunter came with his own history and agenda. I had been warned about his identity and it didnt sit well with me. My feelings about this man I knew from my past needed to remain separate. He was, unfortunately, my best chance at finding Clarke.
The dusk faded to night as Indra stepped into my throne room. Two of my sentries flanked this bounty hunter I was so apprehensive of meeting once again. I sat upon my throne trying to hide my disdain for him. Indra announced his presence, "Heda. Prince Roan of Azgeda!"
He looked me dead in the eyes and uttered no words. This former Prince of The Ice Lands, the one I had banished after my war with Azgeda, the man who shouldered the blame for Costias death, now stood before me. Could I really trust him with the safety of Clarke, the only girl I had allowed into my heart after Costia? These desperate times called for desperate measures.

The room fell silent as I approached Roan, my gaze stone cold, "Kneel!" I demanded, purposely humiliating him. He lowered his body to one knee. "Tell me why I shouldnt just kill you this time?" I growled.
"We have mutual interests. I can deliver you Wanheda before others find her. In return I want my banishment lifted." His tone was full of arrogance. "What makes you think I'd trust you with safety of Wanheda?" He looked up at me and replied, "I have no agenda to end the life of this Skaikru girl. If The Queen of Azgeda wants her then she can seek her out by herself. Nia isn't the one who can give me my freedom back." I had taken everything from Roan after the war with Azgeda, leaving him only with his worthless life. "You wish to return to the woman who made you shoulder the blame for Costias death, who used you to save her own head?" Queen Nia had murdered Costia against the wishes of Roan. The Plains Riders called for justice for the lost of their daughter as did I for the girl I loved. When the war with Azgeda ended, Nia was to pay the price, yet she'd thrown her son Roan to the wolves in her place. I refused to kill a man for the crimes of his Queen.
"My bond with my Queen is my own business. Lift my exile and I vow you will have Wanheda, unharmed". It was easy to keep a desperate man in line. This proved to be the most effective resolution to finding Clarke, "If you betray me I will take your head and send it back to your mother. You leave tonight." I warned.
He got to his feet and bowed before leaving for his mission. Titus was concerned, "You trust him, Heda?" We walked over to the balcony of the throne room and looked out over the land, "No, but he's a man who will do anything for his freedom. There is unrest in the air once again, Titus. The ice winds blow and we must be prepared. Wanheda must stand with Polis." Titus only understood the politics of the situation, in my heart I wanted the girl I loved to be safe. I hoped that  one day she could find it in her soul to forgive me, to stand by my side, Heda and Wanheda together as leaders.

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