12: New Beginnings.

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The night was calm, so very different against the chaos of the day. My fight with Roan had played out as I hoped, I'd spared his life, elevating him from Prince of Azgeda to King of Azgeda. His mother, Queen Nia was dead by my hand, a risky political move considering my life was also on the line. I had won the fight and the respect of the clans. All of that somehow seemed secondary compared to how I felt the moment I saw Clarke push her way through the crowd to stand before me. My heart had skipped a beat.
After the battle my sentries escorted me straight back to Polis Tower. I briefly caught Clarkes eye, a subtle smile played on her lips. I nodded back at her in acknowledgement. Polis healers  took care of my injuries, a few cuts and bruises. Other than the sword wound on the palm of my hand, I'd gotten away with minimal damage to my body.
The daylight had quickly given way to night. I had informed Titus in order to move forward with Skaikru as part of my coalition, the body of Queen Nia would be taken to Arkadia and not Azgeda. I would  honour Wanheda and her clan and show that The Ice  Queens treachery would not stand.
Eventually, I was able to settle in my chambers. My body felt tired but my mind was racing with thoughts that seemed our of my control. I couldn't entertain sleep, I needed to see her. Leaving my room, I made my way through the corridors of Polis Tower. A sense of uncertainty overwhelmed me, unsure of what to say to Clarke . I wanted to thank her for supporting me as Heda, she was the only Ambassador that did so, but I also wanted to tell her exactly how I felt about her. It was a long road to healing our past and maybe calling upon her that evening was too bold a move. So I would remain silent about my heart and simply offer my gratitude.
All expectations aside I was hopelessly in love with this girl from the sky. Maybe in time she could find a way to once again feel the same about a girl from the ground.


The day felt so long, I was emotionally exhausted. It was hard for me to understand the way things were done in this world, at times it could seem so barbaric. I guess we were no different than before the bombs fell. Still demanding blood to solve our problems.
I had watched Lexa fight Roan, flinching at every blow, every  clash of steel, my heart sinking as I watched her blood fall to the ground. I'd never seen her fight before, only lead. There were times I'd forgotten that Lexa was a trained warrior, that she had battled through her conclave to become Commander, that she had seen war and survived to become a great leader. Maybe I was fortunate enough to be one of the few that had seen the gentler side of her nature.
Sleep seemed to evade me that evening. I'd not seen Lexa after the fight and a sense of concern plagued me. I stood by the open window feeling the warm summer breeze blow in from the night. Looking up at the stars I thought about how so much had changed since I had crashed to the ground. How I'd now found sanctuary in the most unlikeliest of places and began to lose my heart to a girl I would never have met if I were still on the Ark. Maybe life would have been so much simpler locked inside my prison cell, but when had I ever desired  the easy path?
The truth is I may still have needed time to reconcile my emotions but surely some things were  worth fighting for. I told myself that over and over again as I dwelled on my feelings for Lexa and what our future held. I wanted to let go of my heart but the fear of having it broken again was holding me back. I knew I loved her, that she was in my veins. I just wished this life would cease to be so brutal  with our hearts.

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