19: Reunion.

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There was a disruption of energy, like thunder pounding across a stormy sky. The collective consciousness of The Commanders was shaken and alerted to an unknown presence within The Flame. I heard Beccas voice she was telling us something was wrong, a sense of a familiar threat she had known from another life. I felt it, like two world's colliding, but there was something else, a familiar feeling that overwhelmed my thoughts. Clarke?
Her mind was in The Flame, how was this possible? There was a sense of dread surrounding her, that her journey into the flame was compelled by something sinister.
Becca knew, she appeared to me her face full of concern, "Go to her, Lexa. Help her."
I could feel her energy in the distance. Following the vibrations, I entered a world I didn't recognise. Buildings that stood tall, like they once did before the bombs fell. It didn't seem real, it felt wrong, like a world that was forced. I surged forward, never losing my focus, my intension clear. I could see her surrounded by strangers, attacking brutality, relentlessly.  This would not stand. I drew my swords and rushed into the fray. From behind I heard her speak my name, "Lexa?" Confused by the sight of my presence. I turned to Clarke and smiled, letting her know she was safe, that even in death I would be there to protect her.
I cut down her attacker's one by one, my swords never failing to hit their mark. The dead lay at my feet. I looked around to make sure the threat was eliminated, before rushing over to Clarke, to hold her in my arms once again. I held her so tight, never wanting to let her go. This second chance to once again feel her close to me was the only thing I'd ever wished for after that fatal day we were torn a part. I knew this moment wouldn't last that we had a purpose together in this strange world. But for now I had her back, the girl I loved, for now we're were untouchable.


I had made my choice, even if it would ultimately cost me my life. To save us I had to venture into the abyss, I had to do whatever it took to bring us salvation.
My heart was beating fast, not knowing what implanting The Flame into my body would do. I hoped that the nightblood that flowed through my veins would allow me to access The Flame and search for a way to bring us back from the brink of despair. It had worked it's way through the back of my neck attaching itself to my synaptic pathway. The pain was excruciating, my mind felt like it was on fire. There was no turning back. I had fallen down the rabbit hole, the echos of reality fading into the distance.
The pain subsided and gave way to peace. I'd never experienced anything like it. A sense of calm surrounded me in the darkness, I felt safe. The dark void blurred into a grey mist, swirling around my consciousness. Fine speckles of white light flashed around me. This serenity overwhelming my mind. In the distance I heard whispers saying my name and a voice I recognise. She softly called out to me telling me it would be ok. I looked around to find her, to see her once again but there was only mist surrounding me. I tried to call out but no words would come. I knew it was Lexa. She was there in my head, guiding me, making sure I was safe, just like she'd always done.
The whispers disappeared as I started to regain consciousness. I didn't want to wake up from the serenity I felt. There was no way of fighting it, The Flame had a job to do and I was now linked to its destiny. My focus cleared as I saw my mother's concerned face looking over me. There was apprehension all around but I no longer felt any doubt in my mind. The Flame would keep me safe on my journey to The City of Light. Lexa was once again by my side, I could feel her with me. My thoughts were swimming with her energy. What awaited me after I took the chip only fate knew. My fear had subsided leaving only the will to walk forward carrying Lexa in my mind and in my heart.
The chip dissolved in my mouth, there was no turning back. I closed my eyes and prepare to cross over. Slowing my breathing down as if meditating, I felt a surge of electric energy. It had begun. My eyes opened up to see a new world, a new level of existence before me. I exhaled my warm breath into the cold air. It all seemed so real, the smells and sounds, but I knew it was an artificial world, a place that was bringing death to our reality.
Wandering around The City of Light, I felt a sense of vulnerability. The surroundings were so surreal, almost too stark, too perfect. Those who had taken the chip passed me by, never once offering me the slightest glance. Thankfully, The Flame protected me against recognition as I predicted it would. I searched for a way to shut it all down, to save us. The hardships we endured in this life weighted heavy for us all, but those feelings for good or ill made us human.
I began to feel like something was very wrong, blood ran from my nose, I struggled to walk. It was like The Flame was fighting my body. The protection it offered was starting to fade and I had no way of stopping it. Heads turned in my direction, warning looks from those who were now under ALIE's sway. I tried to run, but they followed, their intension to eliminate the threat to this synthetic utopian life.
I felt hit after hit as they kept me on the ground beating me harder and harder. Everything blurred and I had prepared myself for the end.
A loud yell screamed out, a shadow flowed past me as I watched some of my attacker's hit the ground. Confusion filled my head as I focused my vision on my saviour, "Lexa?" It felt like a dream. There she stood in front of me, her swords ready to fight, black warpaint streaked down her eyes. My warrior, my Heda. She smiled at me before taking down each of my assailants. Such skill and grace with every slash of her swords. I watched her in awe.
When the last attacker had fallen she ran over to me. I reached out my arm to draw her closer, the desperation to once again hold her in my arms so prevalent. I looked at her face, touching it so gently to make sure she was real, my beautiful warrior woman. I held her so tight, feeling her embrace tighten around me, it was overwhelming. I wanted everything to just fade away leaving just the two of us like this forever.
Fate had once again brought us together but I knew that fate would also tear us a part. I wasn't ready to loose her again.

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