20: Ste Yuj.

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We had reached the point I could go no further. I had protected Clarke until my time by her side once again came to a close. She would have the guidance of Becca Pramheda and the strength to make the right decision for our people. I never lost faith in Clarke even when times were difficult, I always believed in her. She had the heart of a true warrior, a selfless nature I admired greatly. I loved her and I would always love her even when I could no longer be with her.
She held on tight to my arm not wanting to let go, "Lexa, I love you." Her eyes welled with tears. The words filled me with joy and sorrow. I had to be strong, to let her know it was ok, that death is not the end. "I'll always be with you," I uttered as I struggled to hold back my anguish, never wanting to let her image fade. I wanted her to remember me as a warrior, strong, full of fire, but also as the girl who loved her with all of her heart.
With my head held high, I turned to draw my swords. As I left Clarke behind and ran into the storm of attacker's, I could feel her energy giving me strength to fight. One by one I cut them down, but there were so many. If I died here my consciousness would fade from The Flame I couldn't allow that.
In the distance I heard many voices, all closing in at once. The Commanders appeared, surrounding the people from The City of Light. We fought back to back, the combined strength of The Commanders taking control until this world eventually faded away. Clarke had made it, ALIE was gone. I felt Clarkes consciousness leave The Flame. An immense sense of sadness washed over me. I had lost her once again, even in death my heart was breaking.
I stood with The Commanders, all of us watching as Becca approached, there was something wrong. She glanced at us all, "Our fight is not over."
Something sinister now filled our collective consciousness, the end of everything. Now more than ever the guidance of The Commanders was needed, only there was no new  Commander to hear us.


I stood there watching Lexa run into battle, helpless to stop her. "I love you," having the chance to say it one last time felt like a blessing and a curse. We needed more time to destroy The City of Light and maybe spend our last moments together in a place of harmony. But time was something we never had. It quickly ran away as I felt her hand slipping from my grasp, never knowing if her consciousness would survive the onslaught of ALIE'S army. I had to become strong once again, to focus on my duty, Lexa's spirit guiding me with every step.
Becca Pramheda was waiting for me, the kill switch to end it all, to save everyone was right in front of me. These burdens we face are never easy. ALIE'S method to save humanity seem so twisted, but she had method in such madness. An unstoppable threat shadowed us all, it was the end of everything. Nuclear radiation was to overwhelm our world, eventually killing everything. I couldn't believe we were doomed. After everything we'd fought for there had to be hope.
The decision was made, the kill switch was activated, everything faded back to reality, The City of Light was no more.
The Flame was removed from my body and with it the distance vibration of Lexa's consciousness. As I sat upon Lexa's throne I watched the people around me console each other for the horrors that had transpired. Bellamy knew that our fight was not over, but my heartbreak at loosing Lexa I kept inside. She was my world, I wasn't ready to share that just yet.
I walked out onto the balcony of the throne room and breathed in the fresh air. Soon the air would be so toxic none of us would survive it. How could I fight this?
As doubt filled my heart, I heard a distant echo, a voice I knew. "Clarke," it whispered softly and then it was gone again. The Flame was out of my body, maybe it was just my imagination, but my whole body shivered. How was this possible? Lexa  had said she'd always be with me. I smiled to myself, hope filling my soul. Maybe she really was, maybe I hadn't lost her after all.

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