3: Shadows & Fire.

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Maybe it was the throbbing pain coming from my shoulder or the perilous situation we'd found ourselves in, but my head was a swimming with confusing and conflicting thoughts.
As day turned to night, I rested my aching body against a broken tree in these woods I once called home. I watched as a girl from the sky made a fire to keep us warm. Pauna, the great beast we had fought off was still trapped inside it's dwelling, secured for the moment.
The flames flickered and the wood crackled as the fire caught. Looking over at Clarke, I watched as the dancing flames illuminated her face, casting shadows and light. She saved my life, showed me that strong spirit of her nature I admired so much. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. What was I doing? What was I thinking? She caught my eye and seemed somewhat confused by my gaze "What is it?" She asked.
A brief moment of embarrassment washed over me, "Nothing,  you should get some sleep. I'll keep watch."
She frowned at me, "Are you sure? I mean, your arm..."
I interrupted, "Its fine, really." She nodded back at me and settled into sleep on the forest floor.
My heart was still beating fast as I pulled out my dagger and held it by my side. I watched her sleeping for a while, my eyes tracing the contours of her face. She looked so beautiful. Diverting my gaze to the fire, I watched the embers shine like precious stones. I couldn't do this again, I couldn't start to loose my heart, not after it had already been broken. Costias death ended me, I tell everyone I feel nothing, that my heart is closed off from emotion. The truth is I feel everything.
Looking at Clarke sleeping peacefully, I felt my emotions overwhelm me.
Can I love again? Should I love again?  I have no answers to such questions that plague my mind. So, for now I simply sit and watch over her, keeping her safe under the stars. What am I becoming? What have you done to me, Skygirl?

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