Not giving up..

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"Do what you gotta do man." Terry said.

"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to release the gun and leave." A security said to Quan.

"This ain't over nigga!" Quan yelled as the security walked him out of the skating rink.

I can't believe Terry was so calm during the situation. As you can see Quan ain't shit so I guess Terry could possibly be the one. Terry and I left the skating rink. We hopped in the car and was headed home.

"Why were you so calm back there, its like you had no fear in you at all." I said to Terry.

"I was raised to never be scared to die, if its meant for you to go then let it be." he replied.

"That's some motto."

He chuckles, "I just be chilling."

"I see." I said. A few minutes later we end up at my house. Terry hops out his side of the car and opens my door, I get out and he shuts it behind me. I lean on his car and he's standing over me.

"Did you have a good time with me?" he asked.

"Yes I did before we got rudely interrupted." I answered.

"Maybe we can do this another time without all that." he insisted.

"Maybe we can." I said as I started walking towards my door.

"No kiss or nothing, I mean you are single now." he yelled as he held out his arms.

I chuckled and blew him a kiss. He laughed and shook his head. He got into his car beeped the horn and pulled off.

I gotta admit Terry is fine as hell. He is a great guy and seems like he has a heart of gold. I just might be falling for him.

Imani POV

I sat on the living room couch about to ask my mom is it OK for me to go to Chicago to see Jay. My momma came in and sat down..

"What you want girl?" she asked trying to be funny.

"Momma I wanna know if its OK if I go to Chicago with Jay aunt, so I can see him?" I asked nervous as hell.

"I'm confused I thought Jay was up here." she said with a confused look.

"Naw him and Colen went back to visit and Jay got shot and now he's in a coma." I continued, "Can I go see him?"

"Oh my goodness yes baby you can go see him, you need too." she said in comfort yet shocked.

Im so glad my momma yes. I can't wait to go see Jay. I went upstairs and started packing clothes for the visit I don't wanna do nothing when I get to Chicago but see my baby.

Quan POV

I feel bad as shit for today I didn't know Paige was gon show up at the skating rink ....and with another nigga at that. I can't even be mad though because I was with another girl. I don't wanna lose Paige I been through everything with that girl. I decided to text her..

DeQuan: Hey baby im sorry, I didn't mean to do what I did.

MyBaby: I don't care at all right now. I was calling you all lastnight and now I see why I didn't get an answer. Its all good in my hood though

DeQuan: No baby I was busy I didn't even have my phone on me lastnight.

MyBaby: Exactly just know that we're through. Don't contact me nomore. Okay? Alright.

DeQuan: Baby im sorry.

Paige didn't text back. I think I lost her. I hope that nigga ain't putting shit in her head I swear this nigga gon catch wreck if he tryna put the moves on my girl. Fuck that.

Jayshaun POV

I'm still sitting up in this hospital. Its been three days and I ain't moved a muscle. My body been aching like a bitch. I feel weak man. I wanna be up when Imani comes to see me but it don't look like that's gon happen. 

I suddenly feel numb as shit and my body starts shaking. The machine I'm hooked up to starts beeping very fast, then I hear doctors and nurses run in and I suddenly black out. I feel absolutely nothing..

What happened to Jay?

Do you think its something that will cause him to die?

Will Paige start dating Terry?

Short update? Yeah I know. I just promised you a update today so I just did a quick one. I will most likely update either tomorrow or Monday. I hope you are still enjoying this book. Still thinking about a sequel, not sure yet. Continue reading for me.. don't give up just yet.

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