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I woke up in my room. It was dark outside and I couldn't see anything. Maybe it was all a dream... maybe that never happened. I stood up to get dressed. Then I noticed a note on my desk. It said:
Dear doll,
I'm so proud of you, I know how hard it was for you. I'm not done yet. You still have a lot of things to do. Today I'll start your next treatment, don't do anything silly.
I gasped. It was real! I did kill a dog. I had to leave now, I know if I stayed any longer I  would become the monster my parents are today. I can't live like this. I ran to my closet and got a pair of purple leggings and a green shirt that said joker's lil monster. I had no time to do my hair I had to leave now before my parents woke up. I opened my window, and checked if anyone was there. My room was on the first floor so I won't get much damage by the fall. I looked again... no one was there. I sat on the window. I was ready. I jumped... falling fast, I covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I closed my eyes and fell on a bush. Ouch. I had no time to recover I ran to get my bike that I never used, 'cause I never got time or even approval to play outside. I ran into the woods as fast as I could dragging the bike with me. Suddenly I heard someone screaming
"She escaped! You idiots why do I pay you anyways!". I knew who that was. My dad. I jumped on my bike and rode it. I never rode a bike, so it was a little tricky at first. But that didn't matter now. I heard a car coming. I didn't stop. Suddenly I saw a big sign that said Welcome to Gotham! I didn't stop. The sun started to rise and I knew my dad would be here soon. But then it struck me... where will I go. That didn't matter now... I had to keep on going. I suddenly saw my dad's black car. I peddled faster. Suddenly I heard my dad shout.
"Faster! You idiots... she's getting away,". I turned left to find myself in a highway, perfect. There was traffic, so that would slow them down. I passed the cars using the sidewalk. I saw the black car stop. Suddenly my dad got off the car and ran in my detection. I was terrified, why doesn't he let me be, it's not like he cares much about me anyways. I saw a park on the right and decided to turn that way, maybe turning detections  I would finally loss him. I knew if I stoped now I would end up dead... or worst. I didn't look back. I peddled past people. I was going too fast and was loosing control. I fell off my bike. My head was spinning, I put my hands on my forehead and felt blood. I couldn't see clearly. I stood up to run but a hand got me. I turned around to see my dad. He smiled. He picked me up and carried me back to the car while I kicked like crazy, I started screaming. But, no one could hear me... next thing I found myself doing was getting hit by my dad and then everything went black.                                    
     "Puddin' don't," I heard someone say.
     "Stop Harley, I have to do it now," someone else said.
     "Don't she's too young... she's only 11," the first voice said.
     "Arg, shut up... she's waking up now," the second voice said. I opened my eyes everything was still blurry. But, I could see the two figures. I rubbed my eyes and then I saw it was my mom and dad. I looked around and saw that I was surrounded by his henchmen. Arg, there was no way out. The room wasn't familiar. But, I knew we were at a hospital. "Oh I see you woke up doll," my dad said. I was on a meddle table... luckily not tied up. "That was incredible... that was your best escape ," he said. That was true all my other escapes ended at the woods. I looked up at him my eyes wide opened. This couldn't be good. Normally when he gives people a small talk they end up dead.  "You think I'm gonna hurt ya? No im not doll," he said. "I'm gonna do worst." He strapped me in with the leather straps.
    "Puddin' I know it's for her own good... do it," My mom said. That made me worry.
"Relax doll... this will just hurt a little more than usual," he said.
"Please let me go," I whispered. I think my mom liked me pleading because she laughed.
    "It's ok porridge... your dad won't hurt you that much sweetie," she said. My mom patter my head.
    "Aww doll... it's too late for pleading, I was going to do this later but I thought why not today... it would be a good punishment anyways," he said, walking away to get something. His henchmen looked at me smiling, an really evil smile. "Is this thing on?" I heard my dad say, I tried to turn my hear around but my mom turned it back.
     "No, no... no peaking," she said, smiling at me.
He came back with something in his hands. My vision started to get blurry again. He put something in my mouth. It felt like leather, I didn't like any of this. "We don't want to break your teeth right doll," I heard him say. He suddenly put something on my head. I suddenly felt energy go through my body. I hurt so bad. I started screaming. I bit down into the thing in my mouth with all my strength. He didn't stop. I felt my head burning. I started kicking and felt someone hold me down. I saw my mom and dad laughing. I felt the blood boiling inside my body.
    "Puddin' stop your gonna hurt her," someone said.
     "Shut up Harls... sometimes it's good to feel pain... also I'm making sure this works," someone else said. I could barley hear them. I closed my eyes, feeling too week to move, that was it I'm going to black out anytime soon. And as soon as I thought that I blacked out.
I woke up hearing voices. I stood up to see who it was, but no one was there.
"Hello?" I called out. I heard whispers. I started crying.... wait I was crying. This is really strange. Then someone started talking to me.
"It's ok dear girl, don't be scared," they said. How couldn't I be scared, someone was talking to me and I couldn't even see them!
"I'm not scared," I lied.
"We know you are, we know everything," they said. I cried harder. Then I hid under my covers. Covering my face.
"Go away," I whispered. I waited for a response.
"We can't, we are stuck with you... forever," they said. The word forever kept playing in my head. Forever, forever, forever.... Suddenly I realized I was screaming.
"What's all this all about," someone said entering the room.
"Go away," I whispered. I heard someone else coming in. They whispered something I couldn't hear.
    "Aww... doll face, what's going on, tell daddy," someone said, taking the blankets off my face. There I saw my mom and dad sitting on my bed, with hopeful smiles. "Harley look! She's crying..." my dad said.
    "Oh puddin' I think you really did it! I think our little girl is fixed," my mom said.
     "So tell me doll... what's wrong," he said. I stared at him, while he brushed my hair away from my face.
     "Someone's talking to me... but I don't know who," I said crying again.
I heard them gasp.
      "Could this really be it?" I heard my mom say.
      "Yes... but I'm not sure if I'm done with her just yet... she doesn't seam 100% cured," I heard my dad whisper. I cried harder, I don't even know what's he's talking about... am I fixed? Am I the daughter he always wanted.
    "There... there... I know whose talking to you," my mom said. "They talk to me too... I call them the voices. They're really good friends of mine, I hope they'll be to you too,". I grinned not sure why. But I felt good in some way. Like I was fixed... not 100% but as if I was never broken before.

A/N: thx for reading my book, I hope you guys enjoy it so far! I'm sorry for my erros... but I hope you enjoy it anyways... I'll try naming my next chapter... instead of chap. 10. Anyways... what are you waiting for! Go to the next page!

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