<16> Betrayed?

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Louren snatched my arm and we ran back to the car. He looked worried. I followed him wondering what's wrong.
    "Louren what's going on?" I asked. He told the driver to speed up.
   "Sorry princess... I gotta get you away from here now! I'm so sorry," he said.
  "What could you possibly be sorry for?" I asked him.
   "It's too hard to explain," Louren said. I stayed quiet until we got to the hotel.
    When we got there Louren  payed the driver and grabbed my arm and ran to our room he threw me inside and sat me on the bed.
   "Look... princess, we have a big problem," Louren said.
  "What is it Louren?" I asked.
   "Well, I did something really wrong but I don't know how to fix it," he whispered.
   "What could you possibly had done wrong?" I said.
   "I can't tell you... Please forgive me! You know what! I admit it! I love you Laughter! I really do!" He said.
    "Oh and I love you too Louren," I said. I gave him a quick kiss and he laughed.
   "But, what do we do now?" I asked him changing the strange topic. He shook his head.
   "Nothing! He'll find you, it doesn't matter where we are, he's going to find you anyways," Louren said.
   "Your right on that," I said. My dad always found his toys no matter how far they run.
"I wish I could fix this," he said to himself.
"Look! What ever you did it's ok! We all did something wrong in our life," I said. He shook his head.
   "The only thing we can do now is sleep," he said. "I'll figure something out," he whispered. "I won't let him hurt you, you belong to me not him,".
I nodded and took my shoes off and slid under the covers. I liked being Louren's property, at least it was better than being my dad's property. I closed my eyes and the last thing I remember was Louren laying down next to me still whispering "sorry" over and over.
I woke up with laughter filling my head. I sat up quickly scanning the room for Louren. But he was no where to be found.
"Louren?" I whispered. I suddenly saw my dad coming over to me walking over to me Louren suddenly appeared being hold by two henchmen, he was gagged so he couldn't say anything, his eyes full with fear and he tried kicking the henchmen.
"Oh hi doll! Long time no see," my dad laughed at his own joke. I looked at him my eyes wide opened. "Hu? No comments? Maybe if I do this it will make you say something," he said taking a knife and put it on Louren's arm and slowly cut him a bit. Louren whined by the cut.
"No! Stop it!" I yelled. He laughed.
"I don't want to hurt him, you just have to exactly what I tell you and maybe your precious Louren won't get hurt,"my dad said. I felt tears sliding down my cheeks, how could someone be so cruel! But I knew I had to save Louren.
     "Yes... daddy J," I whispered. Louren looked at me and shook his head.
    "Good girl! Now come to daddy," he said arms wide opened. I stood up from my bed and walked over to him, when I was close enough he lifted me up. "Come'n boys! Let's get this show on the rode," he laughed. I looked back to see Louren being dragged towards the door.
   I cried on my dad's shoulder while he carried me out of the room.
   "Sh... it's ok doll! Soon you'll understand why I did this," my dad whispered. Maybe he was right, maybe I should let him "fix" me! I don't want to fight anymore. The only person I care of is in danger! I can't let him go. I have to do what ever I can to save him. I suddenly realized we were in the car. My dad put me inside next to Louren.
   "Princess," he whispered. I smiled.
"I'm so sorry,".
    "It's not your fault," I whispered back. My dad sat next to me and I stiffened.
     "You'll have to fight it! You'll have to fight him," Louren whispered.
    "No... I give up on fighting,". I have no more interest on fighting anymore. Suddenly his eyes widened.
     "Laugh... what happened to your hair?" Louren said. I snatched my hair, it was blond. I gasped.
     "I don't know," I whispered. Louren wrapped him arms around me. I never want to leave this car, as long as I'm with him. But  the car soon came to a stop, my dad snatched me away from Louren. I tried to hold on to Louren but failed, but someone grabbed him as well.

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