<13> The plan

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     It's been a week now since my mom had Jake. Jake is a really strange baby, he can walk and talk and he got a bit bigger too. I really miss Louren tho. Jakes told me that he knows I like Louren. I don't believe him! He's just a week old! Why would I believe a week old baby! I was planing on my escape plan. This is what I came up with:
   At 8pm we would leave, because my mom and dad are going at a night club tonight, and the henchmen will be on brakes until eight thirty. That will be enough time. I'll use my bike and I'll leave with Jake. I hope Louren will be there he's our only hope.

I packed my bag. I had fresh cloth for me and Jake, I packed some toys and a blanket and diapers. Jake was sleeping. He sleeps most of the day. I ran downstairs to get food and water... just in case we need it. I ran to the kitchen to see my dad eating an apple.
     "Oh hi doll... what's all the rush?" He said while taking another bite of his apple. I tried to smile.
     "Uh... just hungry that's all," I said. I reached to get two water bottles. Next I went to the frige and pored milk into one of the bottles and the other one just water. My dad watched me with curious eyes. I ran to  shelfs and got my cookies and some bread. I took everything and ran for the door but my dad stooped me.
    "Whatcha doing with all that stuff," he asked.
      "Uh... I'm really hungry! Also Jakes hungry," I said. He stared at me still wondering if that was true, then he shrugged and went to get his phone. I ran upstairs and stuffed all my stuff in my backpack. Now the last thing I need is...money. Ha ha! How are you gonna get money... your just a poor pig, the voices said. I groaned. Well I'm gonna take my own money. I went to get my wallet to see how much money I had. Um... $210. That will be enough for the tow of us. I stuffed the money inside the backpack. There all done. Now I just have to wait until they leave. I took the backpack and put it under my bed.
    "Porridge! Sunny! Can I come in?" My mom said and not waiting for and answer she came in. Jake jumped up with fear, and started crying. "It's ok, mommy's here!" She said taking Jake into her arms. "It's ok... now I was thinking sunny! How about I change you into fresh new cloth!" She said. Oh no! I put half of Jakes clothe into my backpack. I think he saw the panic in my eyes and he said.
    "Nw mwmmy! It's owk!". My mom grinned at him.
     "Aww ok baby! How about we go play with daddy," she said. Thank got this would get them all out of my shoes for a while.
"I'll gw if Laha gw," he said, I groaned. He always calls me Laha... I guess that's my new nickname.
"Of course she'll come!" My mom said looking over at me. I knew I didn't have a way out of this.
We all went downstairs, my dad was at his toy room. I wonder if he has a new "toy". We entered and saw there was papers everywhere.
"Puddin' I just brought Sunny and porridge to play with you," my mom said. My dad who was under all the papers suddenly stood up, with a smile on his face.
"Oh yes! Come on doll! Come on Jake," he said. My mom gave my dad Jake and left the room. "Um... what do do... what to do," he said.
    "Daddy show mw ywur twys!" He said. My dad smiled and waited for me to say something.
     "Sure dad... show us your toys," I said.
     "Of course doll, now... call me daddy," he said. Oh so now I have to call him daddy! I groaned. So many rules in this house, I just hate it!
     "Sure DADDY show us your toys," I said. My dad looked pleased, and led us to deeper into his torture chamber. I hate this place, so many bad memories. We suddenly came to a stop when we reached his weapons. There was machine guns, guns, bombs. I gasped in fear.
"So Jake, this is one of my many guns, this is a special gun, this gun is the first gun I showed your sister," he said smiling at me.
He showed us many of his guns and things, and I was horrified to know that we had explosives in our house. Jake loved the show! This was all a joke to him.
"Daddy has to work now kiddos," my
Dad said. I was relieved to know that it was over. Jake looked disappointed the party was over. I picked him up, ready to go upstairs. My dad ignored us and went back to work. Jake and I both went to our room to get ready for the trip.
We got to our room and Jake was fast asleep on my arms. I decided that he could use a shower, but he's probably so tired so I let him sleep. Carefully I placed him back in the crib and walked to my bed, maybe I could take a nap too. And just as My head touched my pillow I fell asleep.
   I woke up at about 6pm, and I know I had no time to waste. I jumped out of bed and ran to the shower. Jake was still sleeping, I knew I needed to leave soon. So I took a quick shower and choose black shirt and black pants. I hurried to check on Jake. When I left the bathroom I saw my mom carrying Jake on her arms.
     "Oh! Hi porridge, I just came to check on your brother," she said.
      "Oh... sure mom," I said. I sat on my bed and brushed my hair. "So mom... aren't you supposed to be getting ready for tonight," I said.
    "Oh ya! I forgot... Haha, I have to be getting ready then," she said giving me Jake and leaving the room. Thank god she's gone, I don't need her ruining this.
     "Swssy... is twis thw last twme we'll see mwmmy?" Jake said still on my arms. How could I tell a 1 week old baby that this was his last time seeing his mom!
     "Um... I'm not sure Jake," I said. I hugged him. I'm just trying to protect him. But I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it. We both just sat there holding on to each other. "We'll make it out of this mess," I promised.

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