<14> The escape

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This chapter will be so exciting! I promise you!!
     It's been an hours until I finally heard my parents leaving the house. I woke Jake up and picked him up.
    "You gotta hold on to me little guy," I whispered, I suddenly felt him hanging on to me. His little fingers holing on to me with all his strength.
      I reached under my bed for my backpack. I kept reaching until I found it. I put it on my back and ran to the window. I opened the window still holding on to Jake. I looked outside and saw that no one was there. I knew I would have to go fast. So I jumped out of the window. Jake screamed and I held on to him. We both landed on a bush and Jake wasn't harmed. My leg was bleeding but I didn't have time to recover. I ran to get my bike that was right in front of the house. Jake held on to me tighter, poor Jake he must be so scared. I had no time to think about Jake. I took my bike. I put Jake in the basket on my bike and covered him up with a blacked  and I gave him a pillow. He fit right in. Right when I was about to get in my bike I heard some shouting.
    "Hey! What is she doing here!" Someone shouted. I looked back to see my dad's henchmen running towards me. I jumped in the bike and started peddling. "Don't hurt her! Boss Will kill us," the person shouted to the others. I paddled as fast as I could. I could hear the henchmen running towards me. I reached the forest. Looking back I saw that one of the henchmen had something in his hands. I paddled faster and I saw something fly at me from behind. Glass scattered all over my skin, liquid spread all over my skin.
    "She won't make it too far," one of them said to the others. I felt some of the liquid slowly going in my bruises and suddenly started feeling sleepy, Come'n!! Don't give up now! Do this for your brother! Do it for Louren! Do it for yourself! Don't give up! Your almost there the voices shouted at me. I paddled faster with all my strength. I continued through the forest.
"Where did she go!," someone said from really far behind.
"I don't know... oh no the boss is gonna kill us," another voice said. I went a bit slower. I came to a stop after a while when I could see we were close. I jumped off the bike and started walking. Jake slept in the basket as if nothing just happened. I looked at my cuts and blood. They looked really bad. I had blood and cuts everywhere. I kept walking I didn't have anymore strength to keep on pedaling. What ever that liquid was is making really tired. But I kept going until I saw the Gotham City sign. I held tighter to the bike and ran, I ran up the small hill. I'm free! Now I can be whoever I want. When I made it to the top I saw a figure who started coming towards me. I put the bike on a tree. I kept staring at the figure who came towards me. Then he stoped.
"Laugh?" A familiar voice said. Suddenly he was standing right next to me.
"Louren!" I said giving him a hug.
"What happened to you! Are you ok! Aw man, I got so worried about you, please promise me you won't leave me again," Louren said. I smiled at him.
"I promise," I whispered, still hugging him.
"Oh look at the city," I said pointing at the city. It was a perfect evening here at Gotham, the sky was red and theRe wasn't a lot of movement around. Louren kept looking at me.
"Ya, its a big city," he whispered. We both stood there just staring at each other. Then he inched closer to me. And then something amazing happened. We kissed. The feelings of happiness, confusion, and love all came to me at once. I tiptoed so I could kiss him back. That was the last thing I remember because right after that everything went black.

                        •••••••••••••     I woke up under a tree

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     I woke up under a tree. I looked around not sure where I was.
    It took me a second to realize that I was laying down on Louren's lap. He was looking out at Gotham. The sky still was red and orange. I sat up. Louren didn't move by the movement. I put my head on his shoulder and he smile. We both looked at the beautiful sky and the beautiful city.I wasn't sure to feel or thing right now.  I looked over at the bike where I saw Jake still sleeping peacefully. My leg still hurt from the glass and the fall.
    We sat there for a minute until I spoke.
     "Um... so! Louren, what are we gonna do now," I said.
      "We are going to a hotel, I can't go back home. My dad would tell your dad and uh... you know," he said.
    "Oh, ok! I got money so I'll pay," I offered. He grinned.
    "No, your not paying, I got it all covered no need to worry princess," he said. I blushed when he called me princess.
   "Um, Louren I gotta tell you something... well the reason I didn't come here earlier was because of my baby brother," I said. His eyes widened.
"Wait... you have a brother, wait! Is he here? Wait is he crazy or-" he said.
"Relax! Yes I have a brother... and yes he's here," I interrupted. I stood up and walked over to the bike.
"Wake up Jake, someone want to meet you," I whispered to Jake. I picked him up and he yawned.
"Swssy... I'm hwngry," He said. I got my backpack and I walked back to Louren.
"Louren, this is Jake!" I said. Putting Jake down on the floor next to him.
"Hey cutie," he said. I laughed. Now that I realize I haven't laughed in a while, it felt good to feel happy. Um... not so fast girl! I don't trust that boy, he seems suspicious. The voices said. Aw! Just shut it, there is nothing wrong with Louren, your just jealous. I ignored the voices who kept yelling at me. I took out another blacked and put it on the floor. I sat on it and patted a spot next to me for Jake and Louren. I took out the cookies and split it with Louren while Jake enjoyed his bottle.
"We can take my bike, to the hotel," I said.
"Hu! How will we do that," he answered.
"Well obviously Jake will go in the basket and I'll peddle while you stand up on that little platform on the back," I said pointing to the bike.
"You know, you are the smartest one here," he said. I laughed.
"I know," I bragged. We sat silently for a minute just enjoying the sun set. The sky got darker and darker every minute.
"I think it's time to go," I said "I'll buy us dinner and we'll go to the hotel,"
We all agreed. We packed up our stuff and climbed into the bike. I peddled and Louren pushed the bike with his feet. We worked together and decided we could just buy food in the market.
When we finally got there we parked and ran inside. We quickly got some bread, chips, milk, water, and soda and left the market as soon as we could. We put our stuff with Jake who sat on the basket. I let Louren peddle because I was really tired and weak. Also because he knew the city better than me.
We made Jokes all the way to the hotel, even Jake laughed at the Jokes.
When we finally got to our room we were all exhausted.
"I'll make dinner while you wash up," I told Louren who agreed. I took the bike and put it in the closet. I warmed the milk and took the bread and chips and put it on a plate and set it on the table. I put Jake's PJ on him and gave him the bottle of milk. I turned on the tv as he drank. When I was done I saw Louren coming out of the bathroom. He had sweat pants on and a hoodie. I ran to the bathroom to get my clean myself, I had mud and dried blood all over myself. I cleaned myself and tried my best to clean the cuts. It hurt but I had worst. After a while I turned off the shower and put on my PJs. Then I combed my messy green hair. I and left the bathroom. There sat Louren on the floor and Jake sleeping on the bed.
I took my plate and sat next to him. "So," I said ", what have you been up to?".
     "Nothing much, just hanging out with my dad...," he said quickly. I felt like there was something else. He laughed at my expression. "What about you! What have you been doing?".
"Well, actually a lot of things are going on," I said.
"You can tell me all about it," he said  sitting closer to me. We both continued eating our food. And I told him all about it, my escapes, my brother, my dad's plans. He listed and didn't interrupt. When I was finished he said.
"You know, you're the bravest person I ever met,". I laughed.
"No im not, I'm just running away from my life," I said. "No you're fighting for what you want," he said.
"You know, we aren't safe yet, my dad will try to find me," I said.
"I know, but I won't let him get you again," he said. I smiled. Maybe I was safe here with Louren.
"I think I'll get some rest," I said. Climbing on the bed.
"Ok, nigh princess," he said. I snuggle next to Jake who slept and a second later everything went black.
I woke up the next morning with Jake shacking me.
"Swissy Lworwn is a bad bwy," he said. I sat up and looked at Jake.
"Jake... why would you say that?" I said.
"He works fwr daddy!" Jake said. Aww poor guy he misses his dad, I hugged him.
"It's ok Jake, I know you miss daddy but we have to stay here," I said.
"No swissy! We in danger!" He yelled at me .
"Jake! Stop it! We aren't in danger! Louren  is just trying to protect us," I said. Talking about Louren, where is Louren?
I jumped out of bed to search for
him. But instead found a note.
Dear princess,
I'm sorry I left without telling you, but I gotta do something, I'll be back soon. Don't leave the room without me
I shrugged and went to start my morning. I looked over at Jake but he wasn't there. I gasped at what I found.

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