Chapter 4

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Ariel p.o.v

This is very awkward. My dad doesn't do or say anything.

"Why don't you guys go to the dining table while I clean up this mess your father made," my mom tells us.

I grab Jake's hand and walk into the dining room. I take my seat while Jake sits next to me. My dad sit on the end of the table staring at Jake the whole time. My mom walks in a few minutes later placing the food on the table. When my mom sits down on the other end of the table we say grace and dig in. All you could here was forks hitting the glass plates. My dad didn't take his eye's off Jake. My mom noticed so she decided to start a conversation.

"So Jake, how have you been?" she smiles at him.

Jake looks up from his plate and answers.

"I've been well, thanks for asking Mrs. Ritten, " he gives her a kind smile.

"Jake, I said you could just call me Joy," my mom chuckles.

"Oh yeah Joy," Jake smiles.

My dad clears his throat and glares at Jake. Jake turns and looks at him but doesn't seen to be effected by his glares.

"And you could just call me Mr.Ritten," my dad says rudely. Me and my mom glares at him for his rudeness.

"So what's your favorite thing to do Jake?" my mom says to kill the awkwardness.

"I like to draw and create my own art," Jake says.

"And by art, do you mean letting people draw all that crap all over your arms," my dad says before my mom could reply to Jake.

I can tell Jake is getting a little annoyed so I put my hand on his knee.Jake slows down his breathing and answers.

"Well Mr.Ritten, my tattoos happen to have memories. They aren't crap because they mean something. They all represent something or someone," Jake says. Just my his voice I can tell he's annoyed. I just hope my dad won't push his temper.

"What memories, you being disrespectful and embarrassing your family?" My dad raises his voice a little.

"Dad sto-"

"You don't even know me," Jake cuts me off and snaps at my dad.

"Oh but I do. Your just trash. You have no future and I won't let you take my daughter down the wrong road your heading. She has a future unlike you!" my dad yells at Jake. I see Jake ball up his fist under the table.

"Dad stop!" I yell.

"Ariel, you don't know this boy. They only want one thing. All he is going to do is try to take your virginity then leave you!" my dad screams at me. I know he's mad because he only calls me Ariel when he's pissed off.

"That's not true!" I yell back.

"Everyone just calm down,"my mom's says.

"You know what, To hell with this boy!" my dad slams his hands down to the table and stands up.

Jake face is so red I can tell he is holding back his anger. He stands up, thanks my mom for the dinner and walks out slamming the door behind him. I jump up from my seat and run to the door. When I make it to the door I see Jake already pulling out the driveway. I feel like I'm going to cry. Maybe I should've just listen to him when he said it wasn't a good idea for him to stay for dinner. I close the door amd stride back in the dining room. My dad turns and looks at me.

"How could you be so rude to him.You don't even fucking know him!" I scream.

My dad walks up to me and grabs my arm. He pushes me into the wall while still tightly gripping my arm. I can here my mom scream stop and crying at the same time.

"Don't ever use that tone with me. Do you understand me Ariel?" my dad yells in my face. My eyes start to water while he squeezes my arm tighter.

"Do you understand?" he yells again. I start to cry and nod. He lets go of my arm and leaves out the dining room. My mom runs up to me and and softly grab my arm. You could already see the bruise appearing on my arm. I snatch my arm away from her and run upstairs to my room locking the door behind me. I know she was trying to help but I don't want help. I jump on my bed, pull out my phone and text Jake.

*I'm sorry for what happened tonight. I hope your not upset with me. plz txt me back. A least to tell me your okay

I go to my bathroom and grab a cold wash cloth and put it on my arm. I go back in my room and lay back on my bed waiting for Jake to reply. But I don't think he will. Before I know it I'm falling asleep.


Sorry this chapter is short. The next one will be a little longer but I hoped you liked this one.

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