chapter 14

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Its been a week since I talked to my mom and dad. I'm still living with Jake but Andrew will be coming back home today and he's coming to take me back home today. I decided to listen to him and Jake. I really didn't want to go home but I have to. I just can't wait to graduate high school. I put the last of my things in my bag when I hear the door bell ring. A few minutes later Jake walks in his room stuffung the last bit if his muffin.

"Your brother is here, my mom answered the door" he says with his mouth full.

"Okay" I frown, zipping up my bag. Thats when I feel Jake come up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. He buries his face into my neck placing a soft kisses from my neck to my ear

"Its not like its gonna be your last time here babe, you'll be fine" he whispers in my ear.

"Okay" I turn around and face him placing a peck on his lips. He  grabs my bags and we head downstairs to the front door to see my brother admiring the beautiful gold and Crystal chandelier.He has a shorter haircut than before and looks like he's been hitting the gym much more cause he's more fit. When he hears me walking down the stairs he gives me a big smile but when he sees Jake it fades away. I hope he doesn't judge him like mom and dad did. Just because he has tattoos and looks like trouble doesn't mean he is.

"Ariel" he walks up to me after I get down the stairs and gives me a big hug. He pulls away then looks at Jake with a hard  face.

"And your the boy that got my sister kicked out of the house" he frowns. I give Andrew a warning glare for being mean.

Jake sticks out his hand gesturing for a hand shake. "I'm Jake"he says. Andrew follows up with the gesture and shakes his hand. 

"Its nice to meet you Jake. I don't remember my sister ever having a boyfriend. I'm not going to be like my parents and tell you two to break up but I promise you, if you lay one hand on her or hurt her in anyway I will find you and the result of me finding you won't be very good, understood?" Andrew ask.

"Well I already laid my hands on her if you know what I mean"Jake chuckles.  "But I understand" Jake says.

Andrew smiles at Jake which makes me more comfortable.  I feel like Jake and Andrew could be really good friends. I should've known not to worry about these two. Andrew isn't big on judging people so quickly, that's why he has so many friends.

Jake and Andrew put my things in his car.   I go say goodbye to Jake as I get in the car.  Andrew starts the car up so I pull down my window.  Jake gives me a kiss then we pull off.


My mom called Andrew and asked him to stop at the store to get some sodas so by time I got home I was getting pretty sleepy.  Me and Andrew get out the car grabbing our thing's and the soda from his trunk. I don't have much because I left some clothes at Jake's house. I walk up to the door and open it. The house was way to quiet which is strange.  If my parents are home there is always a noise in the house. Me and Andrew drop our thing's and he pulls me back so that he could go first.  Even he knows something is up.  He walks into the living room so I follow and that's when I here 'surprise'. I see all of my family in the living room. Then I see Victor and Kelly. There was a big banner design with welcome home on it. I look at Andrew and he smiles.  My mom walks up to me and Andrew giving us a big hug.

"Look at my two babies back home" she smiles.

"Come on mom, we're not babies anymore," Andrew laughed. My dad walks up to him and hugs him. He looks at me then smiles.

" I m sorry I overreacted by kicking you out.I was just so upset" he tells me.

"It's fine dad, I'm sorry to" I give him a hug. 

" Great now lets get this party started" my mom says, trying to sound young. She turns on some music as my family talks.


I was talking to my family and old friends friends the whole time. I think I got kissed by people over 100 times. Half of the people I didn't even know. I decided to head outside to the backyard of my house to get away from my family for a few minutes.When I get to my backyard away from all the people I only see Kelly and Victor. Kelly is sitting on his lap as they look at my mom's  big water fountain.  I walk up to Kelly sitting next to her.

"How's things going" I look at her then Victor with his hands wrapped around her stomach.

" It's great Ariel,  we are going to keep the baby"  she says.

"What baby!" I hear a familiar angry voice.  I turn around to see Jake dressed in a black V neck and some black jeans. "Oh shit" me and Victor say at the same time. Kelly and Victor jump up and look at Jake.  Jake face is red and his hand is into a fist now. Jake is now looking at Victor with a death glare slowly walking up to him. I put my hands on his chest stopping him.

"Kell's why the fuck are you talking about some baby" Jake says through his teeth. Even though he's talking to Kelly his staring at Victor. Kelly takes a deep breath then looks at me. I nod knowing that she wants to know If she should tell him.

"Jake I'm pregnant with Victor's baby" Kelly says with a shaky voice. I look at Jake and it looks like he's about to explode. Before I even know it, Victor hits the ground. Jake just punch the shit out of him. Blood is flowing out of his nose continuously. Jake smiles then walks back into the house.


This short but hopefully you like this chapter.  its not edited yet but plz vote if you like it. thx ;)

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