Chapter 13

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"Join us Mason" Jake offers him a seat in the booth with us. Mason looks at me seeing if im okay with it and I nod. Jake and Mason talk the whole time we are here. Me and Jake didn't even finish our conversation but I think its nice to see him connect with a friend. Once in awhile I talk to them but they mostly talk about college life and football. I grow bored just sitting here sipping my juice from my straw, holding my face like a upset little kid. But something pops in my evil little head of mines. I smile to myself and sit back in the booth chair. I discreetly slide my hand under the table touching Jake's thigh. I keep a serious face as I sip my juice like I don't know whats going on. I can feel Jake's eyes on me as I slide my hand higher and higher up his inner thigh. He grips my hand and moves it to my lap. I laugh to myself as he becomes uncomfortable.

My phone starts to ring so I pull it out my pocket and see Kelly's number. Finally she decides to call me. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom.

"Hello?" I answer as soon im in the bathroom locking the door behind me.I hear Kelly breathing hard like she's crying.

"Ariel im sorry it took so long for me to call but I was scared" she takes a deep breath and calm her breathing.  "I'm pregnant" she says.

I sit there not knowing. I just found out my freaking best friend is having a baby. I know her parents are going to kill her. I hope Victor will be there for her. What am I kidding of course he'll be there for her if Jake finds out.

"Ariel are you still there" Kelly interrupts my thoughts.

"Is Victor going to be there for you?" I ignore her question.

"Yes of course.  He wants to keep it but I-i don't think I want to." she says.

"Wait.... so your thinking of abortion?"I say raising my voice a little.

"Y-yes"she stutters.

"No Kelly you can't do that. If you don't want the baby put it up for adoption but you can't do abortion.  And you even said Victor will be there for you. Keep the baby." I tell her.

"Are you crazy?" she yells on the phone.

"I'm not even in college yet. I can't live my life with a baby in the picture,  a least not right now."

" Well, thats why I said Adoption Kelly.   " I tell her making sure she hear me say adoption.

"Oh my god Ariel your right, I can be so stupid at times" she laughs. 

"Yes you can be at times Kelly" I laugh.

"Well ill talk to you later Victor is taking me out to eat, bye" she says.

" Bye Kelly" I smile. Maybe that Victor isn't so bad after all. He really seems to care for her. I put my phone in my pocket and open the door. When I do I see Jake standing in front of the door leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

"Um.... Yes?" I say as a question.

"What were you doing in there, taking a shit?" he smirks.

I playfully punched in the chest. "No Jake, I was on the phone. I did excuse myself from the table." I walk pass him but he grabs my waist pulling me back into him.

"Where the hell you think your going?" he pulls me close to him kissing my neck. "You thought you were getting away with what you did at the table" he seductively whispers in my ear.

How did I know I wasn't getting away with it.


I hope you liked this chapter.  If not I understand because I think it was kinda corny but its up to you. plz vote if u like. Thx for reading ;) ♡♥

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