Chapter 17

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                          Jake p.o.v

We arrive to the old factory like building where the Boss does all of his work. We walk in and I see of my old so called friends standing around drinking and laughing.  When they see me the shake there heads like I'm a disappointment to them now. We walk into the back room of the factory where Boss stays.  Carter knocks on the door and when Boss says come in, Carter grabs me by my shirt and pushes me in first.  When i get in Boss is looking out the huge glass window.

"Sit down" he tells me.

I walk over to his desk and sit down. When he turns around I see a scar across his cheek. He must've gotten it while I was gone. He sits down in his big leather chair and smiles.

"Jake my boy, How you been?" he asks.  His voice is deep and raspy.

"What do you want with me? I told you I was done with this kind of life" I tell him.

He laughs at me and shakes his head.  Then frowns.  "Boy you know you can't run from me. When you got into this gang, you gave your life away. But because you are like a son to me and the hardest worker here I'll let you go on one condition" he says.  He grabs this suitcase off his desk then Carter comes up behind me with another suitcase.  Boss opens the suitcase and its full of money. He grabs a hundred dollar bill and gives it to me.

"See my son, this money in this suitcase is real" he say.  Carter opens the other suitcase and its also filled with money.

"In that suitcase" he points at the money, "its all fake. I gave pounds and pounds of cocaine to this so called business man and he gave me one suitcase of real money and all the other suitcases he gave me was fake." he says.

"Your point is" I ask.

"I want you to kill the mother fucker." he says. 

"No" I say. I stand up out of my chair to leave to only be stopped buy the clip of a gun. Carter puts the gun up and points it at my head.

"If you don't do this job, I'll kill you" the Boss says.

"Go ahead and let him shot me" I tell him. Boss laughs then opens his small box off his table and pulls out a photo.

"No I won't kill you Jake.  But it sure would suck to see your pretty little girlfriend go to waste. Especially that sexy body of hers" he shows me a picture of Ariel changing. You can tell the photo was taken from outside one of her windows.  

"Her father is the so called business man who burnt me for my money so we were plotting to kill her but i noticed you was getting a little closer to her and her family.  So I figured you hangout with her father then when the time is right, you kill him" he says like its not a big deal.

"Her father doesn't like me" I tell him.

"But her father loves her and wants her to be happy even if he seems harsh to her" he tells me.  I can't do this.  It would tear Ariel apart and I can't live with myself if I was to do this to her. But its either her father's life or her's. I look at Carter and he's smirking his ass off while he has the gun to my head.

"Okay" I tell the Boss while looking at Carter.  Carter puts the gun down and steps away from me.

"Great, and I trust this will be a clean kill. No leaving evidence or no problems. I'm sure I don't have to go over this with you though" Boss smiles.  He takes a gun out of his desk and hands it to me. "Untraceable" he says.  I take the gun and stuff it halfway in the back of my pants and pull my hoodie over it. This shit is going to come back and bite me in the ass.


                         Ariel's p.o.v

~Two weeks later

I wake up in Jake's arms once again. Jake would sneak in my room almost every night to cuddle with me. And most of the time cuddling turned into other things. He's been very sexual lately. He's also been acting very strange when I bring up dinner with my family. He tries to avoid the whole situation.  Before he wanted to get along with them and now he's acting like he hates them. I take his arms from around my waist but he tightens his grip around me.

"Going somewhere?" he ask.

"I have to pee" I tell him.

He lets go of me then leans on one hand watching me get out of bed. I go to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. When I walk back out I pick up his shirt off the floor and put it on.  He watches my ever move.

"What's wrong babe?" he ask. I walk to my balcony and open  the doors to get some air and light in.

"Nothing" I tell him, not giving him eyes contact.  I start picking up his clothes off the floor and laying it nicely on my desk. I hear him shuffle out of bed and walk up behind me. He turns me around to face him then makes me look at him.

"Ariel,  what's going on with you" he says sounding confused.

"Why don't you want to get along with my family anymore?"I ask him.

"What do you mean,  Me and Andrew get along very well" he jokes around.

"I mean my mom and dad Jake.  My mom wants to have dinner again and you keep pushing it off" i tell him. He sighs then wrap his arms my waist pulling me close to him.

"I like your mom but I just dont want to argue with your father again" he tells me.

"I want my parents to like you Jake.  At least try to get along with my dad" I tell him.

"I don't want to talk about your father right now. I actually have to go and do something soon, so I'll see you later" he says like he's a little annoyed. He grabs his underwear and pants and put them on. When he gets everything else on he puts his hand out for his shirt that I have on. But then he shakes his head.

"Keep it for now, you look sexy in my shirts"he tells me. He puts on his hoodie and leather jacket then walk to the balcony. He gives me a kiss then climbs down the balcony. I walk to the bathroom and take a shower.  After I get situated i get a text from Kelly saying she wants to go shopping. I tell her okay then head downstairs.

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