Chapter 9

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"W-what?" I say say in shock.

"You heard me, I think im pregnant," Kelly says. I can tell she's about to break down and cry. I walk up to her and hug her. She starts crying on my shoulder.

"Kelly just calm down you don't know for sure yet. Are you late?" I asked.

"I think so because last month I had it but it usually starts at the beginning of the month and this month it hasn't came yet," she says.

"Well it could be a delay. We still have the rest of the month. I thought you were being safe" I tell her.

"I was but it was just one night when me and Victor were in the heat of the moment and forgot" she says.

"Well you have to talk to your doctor and Victor" I tell her. She nods and take her phone out to set a opponent to her family doctor. Luckily he was able to fit her in today , so she will be visiting him after school today. Now she just have to  talk to Victor about it so he'll go with her. We back to the cafeteria and see Victor and Jake at the table ignoring each other. Me and Kelly sit in our usual spots.

"Victor can I talk to you about something in private?" Kelly says. Victor stands up and grab Kelly's hand walking her to the courtyard.

"Stay at my house again" Jake demands.

"I can't. My dad is back home and my mom is cooking dinner tonight" I tell Jake. He sighs and pulls me closer to him do that im leaning on him. Then I feel his breath near my ear.

"Well that's to bad baby. I really wanted you under me tonight" he seductively whispers to me. I'm literally soaked down there from him and can feel my face turning red from my blushing.

"Looks like someone wants that too." I look up at Jake's face and see a huge grin.

"Shut up Jake" I playfully hit his chest. Jake gives me that killer smile that I love.

We go to our last class and I head to Jake's house to drop him off. He kindly drives while I catch up on some work before I get home.

"Where here" he says.  I look up to see that we are really at his house. "Baby, are you sure you can't make up an excuse so you can stay tonight," he rubs my thigh. I put my textbook in my bag and throw it in the back chair.

" Sorry but I can't," I tell him.

He looks down and sigh. "Okay" he says.

I lean over and kiss him. His lips brush mines soft and tender.  His tongue brushes on my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly let him. Before I know it I had climbed over to the drivers seat straddling him. This was becoming heated because he slowly started putting his hands under me hoodie and shirt, touching the bare skin of my back.

"I want you so bad" Jake says while moving his kissing to my neck. He nibbles and suck on my neck making me moan softly.  I start rocking my hips on him as I feel his erection.

"Buzz"my phone vibrates. Me and Jake pull apart as I grab my phone from my pocket. Jake frowns and mumble under his breath from the disturbance.  I look at my phone and I have a text.

*Come straight home~Mom

"Shoot, I have to go Jake," I kiss him one time and get off his lap so he can get out my car.  When he's out I hop to the drivers seat and say bye to Jake. 

When I get home my mom's in the kitchen cooking already. My dad isn't home yet so I just go to my room and study and do my homework. While im laying down on my bed studying my mom calls me downstairs to set up the table.

"Hey Tweety" my dad comes in the dining room.

"Hey dad" I place the last plate and fork down.  He places a kiss on top of my head and sits down.  My mom brings in the food so we all say grace and dig in.

"You know Andrew is coming back to visit soon" my mom says.

"Oh that's great mom" I say.  I haven't seen my brother Andrew for a while now.  He's been so busy with college stuff lately.

"I know,  I've missed my big boy" my mom smiles. My dad dropped his fork down on his plate and clears his throat.

"So Ariel, did you have fun at Kelly's house?" my dad gives me a strange smile.  I look down at my food, not giving him the proper eye contact.  I'm scared if he'll notice im lying.

"Yeah dad, we had fun" I fake chuckles.

"Oh really,  because your school called and said you was late today. I called Kelly's phone but she didn't answer.  I called her house phone and Kelly's mom said that Kelly made it on time and that she don't remember you sleeping over last night but she was sleep so she's not sure. So I call Kelly's dad Rubin, and he said on his way to work he seen you driving to school with his nephew" he says calmly but I can tell he's pissed. My mom looks up from her dish then gives me a 'please don't tell me it's true' look.

"Was Mr.Rubin right Ariel?  I'd advise you to answer this wisely" he glares at me.

"" I nervously think if I should tell the truth. I'm sure he already knows. "Y-yea" I just give up and tell the truth.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from that boy!" my dad yells. I look down in shame.

"Answer me Ariel!"  he slams his hand on the table making me flinch.

"Yes dad, but-"

"But nothing , I told you to stay away from him and you went and disobeyed me. All he wants is your virginity then soon enough he will leave you" my dad yells at me.

"Oh really,  then why haven't he left yet? I've already gave it up to him and he's still with me. Your wrong about him, give him a chance !" I yell back at my dad. The room goes silent and I take a moment to think about what I just said.  I didn't mean to tell them I already has sex with Jake.

"Ariel honey, you didn't?" my mom softly says. 

I sigh and look at my mom. " Yes mom, I did" I tell her.

"I'm so disappointed in you. I thought I told you to wait till marriage. Wait for someone who loves you and who you love" my mom gives me a sad disappointed face.

"Mom but I do love him. I love him so much and he loves me too. But you guys won't give him a chance to be himself and show you that he's there for me" my eyes begin to tear up.

"I can't believe you. Get out my house now" my dad says through his teeth.

"Jeo stop this.  Where will she go?" my mom stands up from the table, about to cry.

"I really don't care at this moment. Ariel, pack your things and get out of my house!" he screams

I can't believe he is actually kicking me out. I run upstairs then start packing my things.  I begin the cry as I hear my mom crying and begging my dad to let me stay. 

"What will I do?" I sob to myself


So what do you think? Do you think Mr. Ritten over exaggerated?  What will Ariel do?

How about Kelly? is she pregnant ?  Will Victor be there for her if she is?

What did Jake and Victor talk about that didn't lead up into a fight?

Hope u liked this chapter. plz vote and if u want leave comments for this or for next chapter.  ily

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