Chapter 7

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I look at jake in surprise. I can't believe he actually said that to me. He actually loves me.

"Really?" I say softly.

"Yes Ariel," he caress my cheek. I grab a hand full of his shirt and pull him down to me and kiss him. Jake responds to me and his tongue pushes pass my closed lips. He kisses me hard while his hands roam my body.  I slide my hands down down from his chest to his pants. While kissing him I unfasten his button on his jeans. Before I could unzip his pants he grabs both of my hands.

"Stop,"  he whispers to me.

I look at him confused as ever.  I thought he would want this, want me.

"You don't want to hav-"

"I want to Ariel its just.... I want to be able make you feel good.  I want to hear you scream my name and not have to worry about your mom waking up and disturbing us. I want it to be perfect for you and make sure your absolutely positive you want to do it. So not tonight, okay?" he says

"Okay," I say to him.

He smiles, gets up off top of me and walks to the balcony.  I get up and follow him. The full moon was lighting up my quite neighborhood.  He grabs me by my waist and kisses me.

"You have a goodnight," he says.

"You too," I say. 

He lets go of me and some how got from my balcony to my tree to the ground. I lean over the balcony and tell him I love him. He says the Same to me then runs to the front of my house to his car. I go back in my room and lock my balcony door.  I turn on some slow music and fall asleep thinking about Jake.

              ***** 2 Weeks later*****

Me and jake text and talk every day. Kelly is still with Victor and Jake still doesn't know.  Me and jake been hanging out every day but my mom and dad think im with Kelly all the time. Kelly is getting in trouble by her parents a lot. I think its because of Victor.

School is almost over and Jake wants me to come over his house tonight. He didn't come to school today but he sent me a text. After class I go to my locker and see Kelly and Victor kissing. I walk up to them and clear my throat. They stop and look at me.

"Oh hey Ariel," Kelly smiles. I give her a quick wave and smile.

"So are we still hanging out at your house today?" I ask her looking between her and Victor.

"Yeah of cour-" Kelly covers her mouth and run to the girls bathroom. I watch her rush in the door then look at Victor.

"Is she okay?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"I don't know, she's been throwing up all day.  Probably because she was drinking last night," he stuff his hands in his pockets.

"Well you listen to me. Kelly is be best friend and I love her like a sister so you better take care of her and you better not hurt her in anyway.  I know what you do and Kelly won't be one of those people you try in get to do drugs or bad thing's.  So I advise you to take care of her or leave her alone," I explain to him.Victor then grins at me.

"You think your little Jake is so perfect huh? I don't know what he's told you but just know that he did some things that you couldn't imagine. I'm just the good guy baby," he smirks. Victor us attractive but something about him makes me want to hurt him badly.

I see Kelly walk out the bathroom holding her stomach.  Victor walks up to her, kiss her, then leaves.  I grab my jacket from my locker then walk to Kelly.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"I don't know but I'm sure im fine," she gives me a half smile. Me and Kelly picks up a pizza and head to her house. When we get there we turn on a movie and eat.

"Looks like you and Victor is getting pretty close," I say as we sit on her bed watching the movie.

"Yea but I feel like he's hiding something," she says.

"Maybe you should leave him alone then," I tell her.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that. I just really care about him," she says.

She looks at her fingers. I set my pizza down and put my hand on her shoulder making her look at me.

"Well ill always be there for you. Like you said to me about Jake,  I will kill Victor if he hurts you in anyway," I say.

Kelly pulls me into a hug and laughs. "Thanks, but we all know you couldn't hurt someone" she says giggles. "What about you and my cousin?" she takes a bite of her pizza.

"We are back on good terms. He also told me he loved me," I say.

Kelly looks up at me in shock and drops her pizza.  She stares at me like I killed someone or something.

"Um.... are you okay?" I ask.

"Did you fucking just say that Jake told you he loved you?" she asked with her mouth wide.

"Yes," I say real slow.

"What did you do to my cousin? You must've gave him the best night of his life," she laughs hard.

"Actually we didn't really do anything yet," I tell her.

She looks at me like im crazy again.  "So your telling me that you two didn't fuck yet and he told you that ge loves you?" she says.

"That's exactly what im saying.You don't always have to do sexual actions to make someone fall in love with you Kelly. But I wanted to do it with him but he wanted to wait and be sure I was ready.  I'm going to his house tonight so If my mom or dad calls you im here with you ," I tell her.

"Omg, I can't believe this is my cousin saying theses words to a girl. And I can't believe my best friend is going bad," she laughs.

I laugh and cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not going bad its just my dad doesn't really like Jake and he will kill me if he finds out I'm staying the night with Jake," I tell her.

"Anything for you bestfriend. Did you get any sexy underwear for tonight? " she smirks.

I shake my head in disgust and laugh. "Okay im done here," I get up and grab my bag.  Kelly laughs as she walks me  downstairs to the front door. "Have fun with Jake," she winks at me. I giggle and shake my head as I walk to my car.My mom is at work and my dad is coming back home tonight so I drive home, pack my clothes, take another shower and change into my yoga pants and hoodie.  I put on my vans and leave out the house. I Text Jake telling him that im on my way to his house before I pull out my driveway.

Short but its something.  love  all that is reading my book. Try to tell a friend about it so they can enjoy it to.  You could also comment (Nice things plz)  or give me ideas for next chapter.  And plz vote. 

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