Chapter 5

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Sexual content. Dont read if you are a minor reader.

I wake up with my daily alarm going off for school. I look at my phone and see that Jake still didn't text me back. I get off my bed and walk into my bathroom.  I look at my arm and see the bruise my dad gave me. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower.  I really don't feel like going to school but I have to. Hopefully my counselor will call me down for my new schedule so that I can leave early. Its surprisingly still warm out so I put on a t-shirt with my pink sweater so I can cover up my bruise.  I throw on some skinny jeans and my ugg slippers. My hair is still a little damp so i just put it up into an high ponytail. I unlock my door and run downstairs to the kitchen.  I see a note on the refrigerator door.

"Honey I'll be working all day and night at the hospital so I won't see you until tomorrow afternoon.  Your father went away for work  at the last minute so he wont be home for a couple of days. And  you know my friend Franny, she'll be dropping off little Caylee off today so you could babysit after school." ily~Mom

I grab the note and throw it out. I grab me a yogurt and my bag so I can head to school.

When I get to school I go straight to homeroom and eat my yogurt.  I don't bother looking for Kelly, I'm just to tired.  When first class starts I can't keep my eyes away from the door. Class already started and I don't see Jake.  I decided to give up on waiting for him and put my head down to sneak a quick nap.

"Jake your late," I hear Mr. Burns say. I quickly pick up my head and look towards the door.  Jake looks like he's sleepy. His eyes are red and he looks drowsy .  He hands Mr.Burns a late slip and walks to the seat next to me not paying me any attention.

"Jake," I whisper. He doesn't answer me. He pulls out his ear buds and put them in his ears. This is making me frustrated.  Why is he mad at me? I know I should've listen when he said it wasn't a good idea to have dinner with my mom and dad but he's acting like a little kid right now by ignoring me. I pull out my phone and text him.

*Jake plz stop ignoring me. I'm sorry about my dad but don't be mad at me

I send the text and watch him from the corner of my eyes as he looks at his phone. I see him starting to type something in his phone which makes me feel much better.

When my phone vibrates I quickly look at the message.

*I'm not mad at you, I just don't want to talk about last night.

*Okay Jake but I'm still sorry

*It's Okay babe

When class is over I walk out the class and Jake is behind me. He grabs my waist and pulls me into a kiss. As much as he says he's okay, I can tell he's still mad about it. I can tell people are  watching us and when he pull back not only is there people staring at us but particularly Megan, queen slut of the school is eyeing me down. I look back at Jake not caring about the glares im receiving from girls.

"I know your mad at me," I huge Jake.

He looks down at me and smiles. "Babe, I'm not mad at you it's just your Dad I don't like. Your mom is nice though," he says.

We start heading to gym. The day goes by fast, before I know it im in my last class of the day. What is strange is that I haven't seen Kelly all day today. When school is over I go to my locker to see Jake waiting for me. I walk up to him and ask about Kelly.

"Have you seen Kelly?" I ask.

"No, I haven't seen her all day," I says.

Kelly usually don't miss a day of school but I guess she's busy.

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