What Happened, Gerard?!

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Nobody's POV

Several days passed and Frank's every attempt to ask Gerard about "them" and his dream ended in disaster. Today was one of those days.

Frank's POV

"No no no! They said no!" Screams Gerard. He presses his hands to his head and crouches down.

"Who said no, Gerard? Can't you tell me?"

"I don't want to think about it."

"Please, Gerard. For me?"

"I-i don't know, its scary. So scary."

"You don't have anything to be scared of. I'm right here in the same room with you. Please tell me. Please."

He looks like he's about to cry. Poor thing.

"A-alright. Promise you won't think I'm crazy?"


"Where do I start?"

"When is the first time that you ever met this Lucille you told me about?"

"Well, first of all. One day I was in my apartment. S-some men came and took me. They took me to a big building. White. Everything white."

"So thats why you hate the white here..."


"Sorry, I won't interrupt again."

"Well they kept me locked up and the first time I met Lucille... Thats what I dreamt about the other day. They strapped me to a table. A man took two suction cup wire things and stuck them to my head and also some needles in my arm."

Gerard knew what I wanted to say after that and let me interrupt.

"So thats where your fear of needles comes from."

"Yes. After that, I blacked out sort of. I felt like I was standing in the dark in my own mind. Lucille was standing there reaching her arm out to me. She said that they were trying bind us together, tie our consciousnesses together. She was in so much pain and I could feel our minds burning together, I felt her sadness and pain and anger adding to mine. She screamed at them and called them idiots and told them there would be serious consequences of trying to bind the minds of a human and a ghost together. Then I was back in the room strapped down, crying. They said that it had worked. They talked and celebrated that their experiment was a success. After that... I don't remember much for a while. They took me back to my room and studied their results, which leads me to the next part of my memories that I remember."

He pauses.

"So far this story sounds waaaay crazy."

This time, I pause.

"But I'm still listening."

Gerard's POV

I can't remember much, but I'm telling Frank the bits and pieces that I do remember. Its so hard, I feel like the memories will burn a whole in my mind if I don't voice them to someone.

"Well... the next while is a blur, but the next I remember was a conversation with Lucille in my cell. She asked me how I felt. She pressed deep to find the consequences and side effects of the experiment and at last she did. We were talking and suddenly I began to see things, creatures and things. I felt like my brain was on fire. I screamed and screamed. 'They' came running and finally discovered that their experiment didn't work so perfectly. Earlier they had noticed that their reading were a little off, but ignored it. They brought me home, but tipped somebody off that my mental health wasn't quite right. I was sent to see a doctor at another asylum part time. He concluded that I had completely lost my marbles."

After that, I couldn't hold it in and started to cry. What a wimp. Frankie pulls close into his warm embrace. I just soak his shirt with my tears until I manage to speak again.

"Lucille t-told me that, they do this to all their failed experiments. Some people bound to their ghosts like I did, but it caused serious mental damage that they either couldn't or weren't willing to try to fix. Some people didn't bind to their ghosts at all, yet their minds were still damaged. Some even died during the experimentation."

"Oh my poor darling." says Frank and rocks me back and forth in his arms.

"S-she used to b-be one of them. She said that she was never bound to her ghost, but her mind was never the same and they dumped her in an asylum. Lucille told me that s-she couldn't take it, she said sometimes her mind burned in her head. So a short while after she was brought to the asylum she k-killed herself. They somehow managed to capture her ghost and use her for even more experimenting. I know I've been through a lot, but I can't imagine doing it over and over again."

I choke on a sob before the tears start pouring again.

"Oh Gee. My poor Gee."

"You don't believe me do you? You think I'm crazy."

"Oh Gee."

And that was all he said. Why do I always have to be right?


Frank's POV

"You don't believe me do you? You think I'm crazy."

"Oh Gee."

I believe that he thinks what he just told me is true. I believe that he's been through a lot of pain, grief, and suffering. I believe that this is my GeeBear and I want to help him. But do I believe his story?

"Frankie..." He trails off.

Yes, yes I do. I believe his story no matter how crazy it sounds. I grab him in my arms and hug him.

"Yes, Gerard. I do believe you. If you say that some evil men kidnapped you and bound your consciousness to a ghost then some evil men kidnapped you and bound your consciousness to a ghost. You are my GeeBear, and I love you, and I believe you. I do not think you're crazy. I mean, how else do you explain what happened with Bob. She told you. Thats that."

"Really, Frankie?"

He looks up into my eyes.

"Yes, Gerard. I, Frank Iero believe you, Gerard Way."

Gerard's POV

"Really, Frankie?"

He can't possibly believe me, but would my Frankie lie to me?

I look into his eyes.

"Yes, Gerard. I, Frank Iero believe you, Gerard Way."

The look in his big hazel eyes told me that he wasn't lying. He really and truly believed me.

At that moment I knew that everything was going to get better. Frank was going to fix me, fix all this and make everything better because he was my Frankie and he could do that. And for one single fraction of a moment everything was perfect, staring into each others eyes.

But then that moment ended and darkness fell.

Author's Note

*gasp* *dramatic music plays* BUM BUM BUM!!!

What happens? I guess you'll never know because I'm not continuing this story.


I'll post an update either tomorrow or the day after that. Stay tuned cus its gonna be good! Vote, comment, follow etc. please?

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