Everybody Loved Bob

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Chapter 6(Frerard)

Gerard's POV

It had been a week since my kiss with Frank. Not much had happened. Bob had stayed in his room, Ray went around poking people, and Fiona had managed not to tear anyone's throats out. Which is good I supposed. Frank, Ray, Fiona and I were sitting outside in the sun, our backs against the wall, staring at the sky. Well, Ray was coloring. Don't ask me why but Fiona was playing with me hair, I think she's fascinated by the bright red color. Yes, my hair is fiery red I dyed it the other day, Frank snuck in some hair color for me. Surprisingly enough, he hadn't gotten fired.

Frank's POV

Sitting outside was very calming to me. Gerard was getting a hair makeover or something from Fiona. I'd call him gay but then again so am I... Ray is coloring, again, looks like another picture of Fiona, he likes her a lot. Even though she tried to rip his throat out once. But I mean, you can't stop love right? Gerard grabs my hand. "Frank something bad is about to happen, somethings wrong with Bob. Hurry, you have to help him." Suddenly to my surprise Bob comes running out of his room, Bob NEVER leaves his room. My eyes fall to his hand, its bleeding. Blood + Fiona = Bad Fucking News. Oh Shit. Fiona notices just seconds after I do, I hear her do her weird growl. "Bob go back to your room now!!" I scream. I hear Gerard scream in pain. Bob sees Fiona and freezes up. Im on my feet in a split second and Sophie came running. We try to get her off as we yell for help but Bob lies motionless before someone arrives with a sedative for Fiona. Gerard is bleeding everywhere, when Fiona saw Bob she pulled out a chunk of my baby's hair as she rushed to Bob.

Gerard's POV

"Gee, something bad is a about to happen Bob is bleeding really bad and he's coming this way!" Lucille warns me. Oh No FIONA!!! I have to warn Frank!! "Frank something bad is about to happen, somethings wrong with Bob!" I say calmly. He gives me a strange look. Seconds later Bob runs out of his room bleeding just as Lucille had said he would. Fiona sees him and goes nuts, ripping out a chunk of my hair and I scream. Before anyone can do anything Bob's body lies motionless on the floor. Poor Bob. Im crying. Frank is crying. Sophie is crying. Ray is crying. Bob's nurse(whose name I always forget) is crying. As Bob's lifeless body is carried away and Fiona is transferred to a top security room, everybody is crying. Bob was quite, he never hurt or bothered or annoyed anyone. Everybody loved Bob, nobody could believe he was gone forever.

Author's Note

Vote, comment, follow! Please? Sorry I had to kill Bob! By the way Lucille is the ghost that Gerard can see(but of course no one believes him) Sorry my chapters are so short :p

A "Crazy" Love Story-Frerard {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now