An Angel

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This chapter is going on at the same time as the last chapter. It depicts what went on at the hotel while Frank was gathering food.

Gerard's POV

I was having another dream, but this time it wasn't about Frank.

This time, I was sitting in the middle of an open grassy field. The grassy land stretched as far as I could see in either direction. Unsure of how to escape, I decided to stay seated and wait out the dream.

After a while, I saw a bright light in the distance.

Suddenly, the light morphed into the form of a girl. In mere seconds, the dream ended.

I lay in bed. A bright light in the form of a woman sat on the bed.

She stroked my, once bright now faded, red hair. Her mouth was moving, I could tell she was speaking, but I couldn't here what she said.

As the light slowly began to fade, I slowly began to recognize her face.

"Are you an angel?" I asked.

"No, Gerard. I'm not an angel. Not even close." She whispered and I heard her this time.

The light faded completely and I finally realized who the woman was.

"Oh. It's just you, Lucille." I stated contentedly and smiled.

"Yes, Gerard. It's me." She replied.

I sat up and suddenly felt full of energy, which made sense when Lucille told me that I had been asleep for several days. I had always loved sleep, but dang.

Lucille told me a little of what happened. Not all the details, but enough to know why I was in a hotel with no one but the ghost that was forced to follow me everywhere.

Basically just,

Frank had escaped.

Frank had brought us to the hotel.

And right now, Frank was out getting food.

I decided I would take a shower to refresh myself.

"Turn around, Lucille." I told her as I stripped naked then walked to the bathroom.

"I've seen you naked before anyway, Gerard." Lucille replied, but turned away.

As I walked to the bathroom, I saw her sneak a peak at my manhood and grin at me.

I rolled my eyes and she winked.


After my shower I dried off and walked out with a towel around my waist.

"Nice abs." Said Lucille.

"Why thank you, Lucille." I replied.

Honestly, I had never noticed them before. It made sense though, considering I had nothing much to do but exercise while I was imprisoned.

Out of nowhere, I heard the door to the hotel open. My first emotion was fear until I realized that it was Frank.

I ran as fast as I could to the door and tackled him.

Frank's POV

I put down my groceries inside the door. As soon as I did so, I was tackled by a tall skinny blur.

I thought it was some sort of horrible thing sent by Korse, but boy was I wrong.

When I looked again, I discovered that sitting on top of and straddling me was Gerard.

Naked Gerard.

Well that escalated quickly.

No, I don't mean my dick, but that too I suppose.

The whole situation was so bizarre.

He held my arms down on either side of my head and kissed me.

I was surprised more than anything, but my surprise was soon replaced with pure happiness. Nothing like this had happened between Gerard and I in a while.

I pulled away from him when he pushed his hands up inside my shirt and I noticed Lucille staring at us.

The perv.

I sat up and he looked at me, confused.

"What?" He asked.

"I just don't want to go any further with her looking at us." I said.

"What??" He said. "Who?" He asked.

"Lucille. What other girl is in this room staring at us, Gerard???"

His face went pale and his eyes got wide.

"You mean... You can see her?"

I stood up.

"Lucille, did you just not feel that it was relevant to tell him that I can see you now?!?"

"Weeelllll. I was trying to give him the 10 second run down before you got back." She stated matter of factly.

I turned to Gerard.

"Well, Gerard. I can see her now. I don't know how, but I can."

Author's Note

The next chapter will be the last chapter of this book

But no worries, my lovelies! There will be a second book! YAYYYY!!!!

It takes a pretty unexpected turn, but I think you peeps will like it :)

A "Crazy" Love Story-Frerard {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now