I- I Can't Remember!

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Frank's POV

After our "sexy afternoon" Gerard and I continued about our daily business for the next month. Our relationship was getting dull and boring. I wanted to something exciting to happen in this little asylum of ours. Recently, as I was thinking about the "incident" with Bob I realized something. I was running through the events in order inside my mind. I remembered that a little bit before Bob came out of his room, Gee had warned me that Bob was in trouble. There was no way he could have known. Not even close. Bob wasn't yelling. Its impossible that Gee could've seen around the corner AND down the hall to Bob's room. I'll have to ask him the next time I see him. Is it possible that...? Nah, it couldn't be. There's got to be a reasonable explanation. Ghosts aren't real. I think I'll go ask Gerard right now.

"Come in!" Yells Gerard, when I knock on the door.

"GeeBear." I exclaim. He runs into my outstretched arms and I snuggle him in my embrace. Our hugs are a bit awkward since Gee is much taller than I am. Once I tried to pick him up while I hugged him. His head hurt for a while after that. My bad.

Gerard's POV


I hug him tightly and rest my chin on the top of his head while breathing in his scent. Every morning we do this and I love it more and more every time. Its pathetic I know but who cares right? I hope Frank like hugging me to.

"Gee, I need to ask you something. This is serious ok?"

"Ok Frankie."

"When." He pauses.

"When Bob died. You warned me, and when you warned me there was no way that you could have known. You couldn't have seen or heard him. How did you know?"

"No no no. I ca- i can't."

"You can't what?"

"I don't- I don't remember. They told me no. They- No I- I. Frankie..."

Frank says something but I don't hear. My whole world is going nuts.

I start to see things. Is that Lucille? No its changing. Its a rabbit. No its got fangs and wings and no no no this isn't real it those guys from the lab. They did those horrible things. No wait what lab? What am i.. wait i remember. I remember.

"Frankie!" I shriek.




Frank's POV

"I don't- I don't remember. They told me no. They- No I- I. Frankie..."

"Frankie who told you? Who. Try to remember!"

Gerard starts pulling at his hair. He turns left then right a little, surveying his surroundings with a look of horror on his face.


"Frankie!" Gerard calls my name before passing out. I catch him in my arms just before he hits the ground. My GeeBear. He feels so hot and sweaty. I lay him on the bed and rush to get a towel. After soaking the towel in cold water I place it on his forehead.

He convulses and shakes and grabs the sheets.

"No No!" he screams.

Poor Gee. He's going to hurt himself.

I strap him down to the bed.

He continues to howl for the next several hours. My head aches from the noise but I can't leave him. Theres no medication, no therapy for this that I can think of. All I can do is wait by his side till my poor Gerard wakes up. Oh no. The thought just hit me. When he wakes up, what if he's insane? What if he doesn't remember me? No, stop! I mustn't think these thoughts. My Gerard will always come back safe and sound. He has too. He has too.

A "Crazy" Love Story-Frerard {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now