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Chapter 4(Frerard)

Frank's POV

Uneventful day after uneventful day after uneventful day passed. Gerard and I became very good friends. I sat with him for hours talking and watching him draw. He's really an amazing guy inside and out. He cares about people even though he acts like he doesn't. And of all the people in the asylum he seems to be attracted to you. I can't help have feelings for him to. He's loving once you get to know him, he's peaceful and doesn't go on crazy rampages like some patients in FaireSide. His appearance isn't exactly what you would call common either. His hair was wavy and soft,his pale hazelish eyes shone brightly sometimes when he smiled, but not all the time which is something I can't explain. Theres also something else, something im not sure about, something attracting me, it draws me to him in a weird way. All in all I think I might be in love with Gerard Way, my mental patient who sees and hears things that don't exist. What the fuck.

Gerard's POV

Its been a long time since I came to FaireSide. I've gotten to know the other patients, some violent some gentle, some are sometimes gentle and sometimes violent. Fiona for example, whenever she sees blood even a little she goes nuts and starts swinging and hurting and biting, ooh the biting. Her bites can be fatal.

And of course Bob, highly disfunctioning sociopath he spends most of his time in his room drawing. And Ray? Nobody's sure why he's here.He's a bit loony sometimes, he's got the mind of a child.

Then theres me, I can see ghosts but of course the doctors say its all in my mind. I wish I could go home, but they've probably sold everything. The doctors wouldn't let me leave anyway. I guess my choice of places to stay are (1)FaireSide or (2)FaireSide. Just my luck

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