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//Jake's POV\\

I followed Emma to the beach, "Is this the place?"  I asked. She pulled a boat into the ocean. "No, this is how we get there," Emma said. We climbed in and and we moved forward in the water. When we got in the middle of the ocean Emma stood on the boat. I was just watching her. Then she jumped in. "Oh! Emma! Your Shoes!" I exclaimed. "Lead Shoes!" I exclaimed taking off my jacket and sweater. I jumped in after her. Emma continued to sink to the bottom. I swam down after her. She was sinking towards a ship wreck. She looked down then back up at me.

She started blowing and bubbles were floating towards me. One big bubble covered my head and provided air for me to breathe. I gasped as soon as I could breathe again. She looked at me as she continued to sink to the bottom of the shipwreck. I kept swimming after her. She hit the bottom and landed on stairs. She reached her hand for me to take and I did she pulled me and my feet it the stairs. I looked around and saw skeletons and beautiful fish. I looked at Emma and she took my hand. We swam passed the skeletons hand in hand.

We entered a room and she closed the door behind her. She turned around and started blowing air. The water started to drain. My eyes widened in amazement. We were then flung backwards and both of our bodies hit the door. Emma kept blowing. Suddenly all the water went in the next room and she shut the door. We were both panting. "Welcome to my secret hideout," she said squeezing the water out of her hair. She began walking forward. "How did you..." I began. "Air," Emma replied. "It's my peculiarity," Emma added.

"It does what I want," Emma added. I walked towards her. She stood at a counter. And I stood next to her. We stared at each other for a couple minutes. Emma then went behind the counter. "Jake..." Emma began. "Before your grandfather retired..." Emma said. "He asked me to keep this safe," Emma said. She bent down and pulled out a huge black box. She opened it and I turned it towards me. I pulled out a brown envelope. I untied the string and opened the envelope. Inside was a blue map that said 'Map Of The World.'

"This is my grandpa's old map," I said. "It shows you where the loops are!" Emma exclaimed. I laid it down on the counter and I sorted through the pictures. I came across a person with white eyes and dark skin and he wore a suit and he has white hair. "That's him!" I exclaimed. "That's the man I saw! On the night my grandpa died!" I added. "Who is he?" I asked Emma. "That's Barron!" Emma replied. "He's the leader," Emma added. "The leader of what?" I asked. "Who are these people?" I asked. "Bad people!" Emma replied.

"Bad peculiars," she added. "Abe dedicated his life to hunting them down," she added. "These are the ones he never found," she said pointing at the pictures. "What do you mean, hunting?" I asked her putting them down. Emma looked down for a while. A few seconds later she raised her head again. "They raided loops," Emma said. "Whole homes full of children left for dead," Emma added. "Abe took lives to save lives," Emma added. "He only retired when you were born to protect you," Emma said. "From what?" I asked. She turned her head to the side trying to figure out if she would tell me or not.

"If I tell you the rest, you have to promise not to run away," Emma said. I nodded my head. "Jake, you belong here!" Emma exclaimed. "You know I don't," I told her. "I'm not like you," I added. "I'm just ordinary," I told her. "No, you're not," Emma said shaking her head. "Jake..." Emma began. "Only a peculiar can enter a time loop," Emma finished. I didn't know what to say or do. Emma could tell. "No. That can't be right!" I told her. "I would know," I added. "Fine, " Emma said. She looked at her watch. "Then I'll show you something else," Emma said.


Emma unlatched her shoes and she floated up and held onto the top of the wall. She looked down at me. "Hurry!" Emma exclaimed. "You'll miss it," Emma added. I climbed the wall. Over the wall I could see a big yard full of grass and I saw Miss Peregrine carrying a crossbow. Emma leaned closer to me. "Ymbrynes usually pick the perfect day to create a loop," Emma began. "But Miss Peregrine had to make this one in a rush," Emma finished. "Why?" I asked. "Because the Germans were about to drop a bomb on the house," Emma replied.

"The point is......" Emma added. "September the 3rd, 1943 wasn't perfect," Emma explained. "The thing that killed Victor came back. It went after Olive and Enoch," Emma said. "Miss Peregrine killed it in time before she could lose Olive," Emma added. We turned our attention to Miss Peregrine. She pulled out her pocket watch and looked at the time. I looked at Emma's watch it was almost 4:00. I then saw something moving in the grass. I saw a hand appear. And soon enough the monster stood up. It made it's way towards Miss Peregrine.

"Wait! Watch out!" I yelled. "Shhhh," Emma said shushing me. She put her hand on my arm. "You'll put her off!" She exclaimed. I turned my attention towards Miss Peregrine again. The monster saw Miss Peregrine. She pulled out her pocket watch again. She put it up and aimed her crossbow at the monster. It then took off running toward Miss Peregrine. Miss Peregrine shot her crossbow and shot the monster in the eye and it hit the ground dead. Miss Peregrine walked back with her crossbow on her shoulder.

"You can see it, Can't you?" Emma asked. I didn't say anything I just stared at the dead monster. "No one else can," Emma said. "It's invisible Jake!" Emma exclaimed. "That was Abe's greatest gift of all!" Emma exclaimed. She nodded her head at the monster. "He could see the monsters," Emma said.

That's it for this chapter! I got this from the movie! Sorry it's not very Enolive but it's supposed to help explain Jake's Peculiarity for those who haven't read the books or watched the movie! It was supposed to be published yesterday but I was busy! Comment if I should update! Thanks for 2.96K views! And don't forget to Vote! Love You Guys!


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