🙂 Another New Peculiar 🙂

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//3rd Person POV\\

Olive and Enoch were in Enoch's room fixing Claire's bear. They were engaged and they couldn't be happier. Engaged or not, Olive was still his assistant. "Scissors," Enoch said holding out his palm. Olive placed the scissors in Enoch's palm. It didn't take long before Claire's Teddy Bear was fixed. Enoch smiled before standing up and leaving the room with Olive following. He approached Claire's room and he knocked. Claire opened the door and Enoch handed her the Teddy Bear. "Thank you!" Claire squealed. She gave Enoch and Olive a hug. "I'm glad you guys are getting married!" Claire exclaimed. "Mr. O' Connor, Miss Elephanta," Miss Peregrine said. "Yes, Miss P?" Olive asked. "We are expecting a new peculiar," Miss Peregrine replied. "Another one?" Enoch asked.

"Yes, another one," Miss Peregrine said. "Don't ya remember Jason?" Enoch asked. Olive let out a squeak. "Sorry," Enoch whispered to Olive. "Yes, I remember Jason," Miss Peregrine replied. "But the new peculiar is a girl," Miss Peregrine added. "I know you guys are engaged but we could still use your help," Miss Peregrine said. "The wedding can wait," Miss Peregrine said. "Her name is Alexis Cunningham," Miss Peregrine explained. "She'll tell you her peculiarity when you meet her," Miss Peregrine said. "Take Millard with you," Miss Peregrine added. With that she left. "Be careful," Claire said. "Millard is not himself," Claire added. She smiled before closing her door. Millard met up with Olive and Enoch as soon as the ship docked.

The land that they found was beautiful. It had a lot of houses which was occupied by peculiars. But the biggest house caught Olive's eye. It reminded her of their old home. This house was bigger though. The town had coffee shops and there was a nice beach. It was like their old home. Only better. "Where will she be?" Olive asked. "She'll be in town," Millard replied. "Let's go!" Enoch exclaimed. "Please don't be nauseating by kissing on this trip," Millard exclaimed. A smirk grew across Enoch's face. He leaned over and kissed Olive. Millard gagged and Enoch let out a chuckle. Olive smiled. "Did you really have to do that?" Millard asked. "Yes," Enoch replied. "Let's go," Millard said. He went first followed by Enoch and Olive. When they arrived in town they looked around for a young girl. Millard felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He turned around to see a girl his age standing there. She had pretty dark blue hair that also had light blue. Her hair was in a fancy braid and she wore a khaki skirt and a white bell sleeved shirt. She wore fancy black flats with white jewels on them.

She was beautiful for a girl her age and she looked like she was Millard's age. "You must be Alexis Cunningham," Millard said. "Y-y-y-yes," Alexis said. "I'm Millard Nullings!" He exclaimed stretching out his invisible hand. Alexis took his hand and shook it. "Wait! Ya can see his hand!?" Enoch exclaimed. "Of course! Can't you?" Alexis asked. "No," Enoch replied. "He's invisible," Olive explained. "We can't even see his face!" Enoch exclaimed. "I can," Alexis said. "You can?" Millard asked. "Yeah," Alexis replied. "You have hazel eyes and brown hair," Alexis told Millard. "She can see me!" Millard exclaimed. Enoch and Olive looked at each other. Alexis didn't need to tell them her peculiarity. Her peculiarity was able to see invisible things. "Well, Alexis it is nice to meet you," Olive said. "I'm Olive Elephanta," Olive said. "And this is Enoch O'Connor," Olive added. "Nice to meet you all, but I'm supposed to be with a woman named Miss Peregrine," Alexis said. "Right, we'll take you to her," Millard said. Alexis smiled before following Millard. "So far so good," Enoch whispered to Olive. "You really think Alexis is going to be like Jason?" Olive asked him. "Maybe," Enoch replied. "But what if she isn't?" Olive asked. "We killed all those wights at their own headquarters!" Olive exclaimed. "There was no way any wights could of survived!" Olive added. "True," Enoch said. "Besides, she seems nice," Olive whispered. "Ya think that about everyone," Enoch told her. "I'm a very positive person!" Olive exclaimed. "Besides I think this is a start of a new relationship," Olive added.

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