😢If I Stay😢

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//Olive's POV\\

"I-I-I-I-I-I L-L-L-L-Love Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You," I told Enoch as my eyes closed completely and my soul drifted away. "NOOOOOO!" I heard Enoch scream in agony. My spirit watched as Enoch held my body in his arms while crying. The peculiars rushed over to Enoch after defeating all the wights and winning the battle. Emma saw my body and she gasped. "I'm so sorry Enoch," She told him. "We should probably go," Millard said. "Go ahead! Leave me here!" Enoch exclaimed through tears. "Enoch we can't! You're a peculiar! And we peculiars need to stick together!" Jake exclaimed. "What's the use of going back if she isn't there?" Enoch asked. I couldn't stand to see him like this. I watched him pick up my body bridal style, before heading to the ship, and helped bandage my neck. He took my body to my room and closed the door behind him. I watched him sit on my bed and he began cradling me close while silently crying. "Why did she have to die?" He asked himself. I covered my mouth with my hand. "She didn't do anything to deserve it!" He added. I watched while Claire came in. "How's Liv?" She asked bursting with excitement. Just by her hyperness I could tell she didn't know I was dead.

"She's asleep," Enoch replied. "When will she be awake?" Claire asked. "She won't be awake for a long time," Enoch replied. "Oh Okay! I'll see her when she's awake!" Claire exclaimed as she headed towards the door. "Claire wait!" Enoch called. "Yes, Enoch!" Claire exclaimed. "I'm afraid Olive won't be waking up soon," Enoch told her. "Of course she won't silly! She's asleep!" Claire exclaimed. "No! I mean she won't be waking up ever!" Enoch exclaimed. "You mean...." Claire began. Enoch nodded his head. Claire left the room tears rolling down. Not her too! I watched as Jake began talking to Enoch. "You need to stop sulking Enoch!" Jake exclaimed. "I can sulk if I want to sulk," Enoch told him. "Look we are all devastated that Liv died, but you can't hide in your room forever!" Jake exclaimed. "Who said I was going to stay in here forever?" Enoch asked. I watched as Enoch opened the door for Jake. He took a look around Enoch's room. "You're a mess," Jake told him. "Whatever," Enoch told him. "You shouldn't be so depressed," Jake told him.

"My girlfriend is dead!!!!" Enoch snapped. "How can I not be depressed about that?" Enoch asked. I watched as Jake fussed at Enoch. "Of course you don't," Jake said. "You only care about yourself!" Jake exclaimed. "Not true!" Enoch exclaimed. "I cared about Olive," Enoch said. "Yes, I know you did!" Jake exclaimed. "But I couldn't save her," Enoch told him. I can't stand to see him this depressed. "Jake, ya don't know how hard it is to hold her dying body and beg her to stay with ya and she doesn't!" Enoch exclaimed. "It's really hard!" Enoch added. "Yes, I know," Jake said. "No ya don't!" Enoch exclaimed. "She was the first girl I ever loved. The first girl I ever cared about. And now she's gone!" Enoch exclaimed. I watched as Jake fussed at Enoch more. "Enoch!" Jake exclaimed. "How do you know Liv isn't happy where she is!?" Jake exclaimed. "And we all know how much you miss Liv," Jake said. "But....." Jake added. "How would Liv feel if you bring her back? Taking her away from the place she's happy at?" Jake asked. "She's in a better place now! So let her be happy!" Jake exclaimed.

"And what am I supposed to do!?" Enoch asked. "Stay here without her, lonely and sad?" Enoch asked. "I don't know," Jake said. "It's hard!" Enoch exclaimed. "I loved her and she left me," Enoch said. "She couldn't take the pain anymore Enoch," Jake told him. "What pain?" Enoch asked. "The pain of a broken heart," Jake replied. "She didn't want to leave you, but she had no choice!" Jake exclaimed. "Besides don't you think Liv wants you to try to be happy without her?" Jake asked. "I want her to stay, but I also want her to be happy," Enoch told him. "You'll have to choose eventually! No pressure!" Jake exclaimed as he left Enoch's room. "Right, no pressure," Enoch told himself. He let out a sigh before running his hand through his hair in frustration. I watched him collapse on his bed before screaming in his pillow. "Why is love so complicated?" Enoch asked himself. I hate seeing him like this, it's sad. What if I stay? And what if I go? If I go, then Enoch will remain sad, lonely and depressed. And if I stay, did I give up a once in a lifetime opportunity? I went back to my room and stared at my body. I heard the door open and Bronwyn walked in.

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