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  I sighed as James left the house after he kissed me, he just barely gotten back and he was leaving again. I glanced down at my phone and thought for a moment. "I'm calling her," my face brightened at my idea.

  I dialed her number and smiled, "hello? Are you free tonight?" I asked and there was silent, "yeah, why?" She said, "would you like to come over and hang out?" I offered and she thought for a moment, "sure! I'll be there in an  hour," I smiled. "Alright, I'll be waiting." I said and she ended the phone call.

  I went to the kitchen and grabbed wine, while I was at it, I decided to make some homemade strawberry ice cream. It was my favorite ice cream of all time.
  An hour had passed by and I placed the ice cream in the freezer to cool. The doorbell rang and I jogged over to the door to open it, "Shakira!" I smiled and she hugged me, "oh my, Chloe! It's been a long time since I saw you," she exclaimed and placed her hands on my cheek. I smiled, "it's only been weeks you haven't seen me."

  She rolled her eyes, "everyone misses you including-" I cut her off with a look, "right, sorry." She made a smug face and made her way over to the couch as I closed the door.

  "So, I heard James is back." She smiled and I walked to the kitchen to grab wine glasses and the wine bottle. "Yup," i nodded and she watched over me. "Is everything alright between you two?" She asked wearily and I sighed, "yeah, it's just, it's so complicated." I said.

  Concern had washed all over her face and she placed a hand over mine, "I'm all ears, tell me what's wrong." She said and I nodded. "Neymar and James," I said and her mouth widened. "I knew it! So is it like a love triangle?" She raised her eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.

  "I don't know what to do with Neymar. I like him, it's just I don't know." I sighed and she frowned, "who do you love more?" She asked and I nearly choked on my saliva, "I'm not sure." I shrugged and she shook her head, "who'd you fall for first?" She asked more clearly, "James." I stated.

"Go for Neymar," I looked up at her quick. "If you fell for James first then why'd you fall for Neymar second?" She asked and I shrugged. Shakira looked up at the ceiling and cursed in Spanish silently.

"Hey!" I glared at her, "James isn't the one for you because if he was, you wouldn't have fallen for Neymar." My mouth formed an 'O' and I looked at her. "You're smart," I said and she smiled. "But don't listen to me, after all, it's your choice. Now lets move on," she smirked and I began to worry at the smirk of hers.

  "How's James in bed?" I groaned at the question and she smiled, "he's amazing?" I said uneasily and she chuckled, "let me guess, you only did it a few times?" She asked and I shrugged, "maybe?" She laughed at my reaction and I blushed, "what about Geri?" I poured wine in both our glasses.

"Oh, lets just say if you ever see me walking funny, that's when you know he did it pretty rough." She sipped her wine and I almost choked on mine.
It was almost 12 in the morning and Shakira passed out on the couch, I placed a blanket on her and dimmed the lights.

  I walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a few painkillers and a bottled water. "Thanks for today," I smiled and she muttered a "you're welcome" in her sleep. I chuckled and placed it on the coffee table then headed upstairs.

  I sighed and fell onto the bed, pulling my white blankets on me. "Feels nice to be home," I muttered and fell asleep under the blankets.


Well I was deciding to have Shakira in this chapter because Chloe is apart of Barcelona and they both know each other? But I apologize for not updating this book for weeks and I hope you guys like this chapter and enjoy. :)

Dalliance (j.r./n.j.) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now