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I had gotten ready for the dinner with Cristiano

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I had gotten ready for the dinner with Cristiano. I sighed and looked at the time 8:45.

"Sergio, I'm going out."

"With who?"


"Be careful Chloe," he looked at me and I nodded.

My phone lit up and a messaged showed.

Cristiano: Hola cariño, I'm on my way. You probably look beautiful tonight. 💋

I chuckled and put my phone away. He always has his way with me, but not tonight. I sighed and started thinking about James.

"What's up with you?" Sergio walked out the kitchen. "Nothing."

"Chloe. Algo te molesta, (something is bothering you.)" he looked at me. "Would it bother you if I dated someone on your team, or anyone?"

He looked at me, "I will not allow you to date Cristiano." I face palmed myself, "gosh no Sergio!" He thought for a moment. "Hmm, maybe depends on the guy from the team or from outside the team. And no dating Messi!" He looked at her again. I rolled my eyes.

I nodded and heard a knock on the door, he was holding a bouquet of flowers and looking up.

Cristiano noticed the door opened and looked down at me, since I'm a few or maybe a lot inches shorter than him.

I giggled, "are you gonna say something or just stand there?"

He smiled, "oh right, these are for you."

"Gracias, no tenías que." I smiled and took them, placing the flowers in a case near me.

I walked out the house and locked the door.

"Você está bonita," I blushed. "Thank you."

*Cristiano's POV*

She was very beautiful, I couldn't stop staring her.

"Where are we going to?"

"A restaurant."

She chuckled, "thank you for taking me out Cris." I smiled and she used my nickname. Been a long time since I heard her said it.

"No problem." I smiled and looked at her, then back on the road.

"So, did you and Irina make up or something?"

"No, not at all," I chuckled.

"Well, someday you'll find someone better than her."

Yeah, you. It has always been you.

But you don't like me.

(Okay so I'm putting this flashback on both of them with different point of views on how they saw it, Chloe's will be in chapter 15 or somewhere along the book. Just be patient my beauties. (: )


After Chloe visited me, I felt like crap after what happened between Irina and I. Chloe was the only one who can help me out right now. So basically I was crying my eyes out, I heard a knock on the door and wiped my tears away.

She looked up, "Cris-" I pulled her in and hugged her, crying on her shoulder.

"Oh my gosh." She hugged back and rubbed my back.

She pulled back, "she did this?" Chloe became angry and threw all the stuff she brought with her on the floor.

"Yes, but it's fine Chloe. Everything's fine." I pulled her back in my arms.

We both sat in the couch and I laid my head on her lap while she played with my hair.

"So what happened." I looked down at me.

"She cheated on me," my voice cracked.

"C'mon Cris, she's nothing to cry over. Irina is a pig. You des-" he sat up and looked at me.

"You're right, but apart of me wants to forgive her and apart of me doesn't."

"You're kidding me!? Cris, she cheated on you!" She stood up.

I stood up too. "I know, but-"

"But what? You need to find someone who is bet-"

That was the moment, I pulled her in and kissed her.

She kissed back and pulled away.

"Cristiano." She was speechless. "I have to go, I'm sorry." She left grabbing her stuff.

That was when I felt my heart break into pieces.

*End of Flashback*

By far the most long chapter 😂😂

Dalliance (j.r./n.j.) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now