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Chloe woke up to James' arms wrapped around her tiny, naked waist, "amor." She whispered and he groaned, "yes?" Chloe rolled her eyes and placed her hands on his forearms, "I have practice, I need to shower."

"Can I join?" He asked and she smiled a little, "sure." Chloe nodded and they both sat up, walking towards their bathroom they shared.

James started the shower and Chloe stepped in front of James as they rinsed together. "I heard you haven't been going to practices, why?" He asked his girlfriend in a worried tone, "I didn't feel good." She shrugged and he frowned, "are you sure?" She turned to face him, "James, I'm sure." She smiled and he returned it.

  He nodded and placed a kiss on her forehead while they continued to shower. They finished and headed out, dressing up.

  James has a game today against Barcelona. "Good luck at your game, amor," I kissed his cheek and he nodded, leaving the house with his soccer belongings.

I sighed and sat back on the counter, a note catching the corner of my eye in the living room. "Hm," I thought for a moment and walked towards the note, reading it.

Dear Chloe,
Sorry for leaving early. I woke up to you and James having sex. Thank you for hanging out with me and getting me out my house. And thank you for giving me painkillers, (Needed that a lot).

Shakira xx

I turned red and smiled. I placed the note on the coffee table and reached for my keys. "Today's going to be a long day," I sighed and left the house after eating a granola bar.

I headed out and left for practice, knowing that I have to make up for missing weeks.

***James POV***

I plugged in my headphones as the boys and I walked onto the bus. "Is Chloe coming?" Isco asked and pulled my earbuds out, "no." I stated and he frowned, "why not?" I looked up at him, "she's at practice."

  He nodded his head and sat back down, "hey Crissy! Pick a number!" Toni yelled out and everyone groaned, "shhh." Isco shushed him and Toni pouted, hanging his head.

  "Well, I hope we take the win against Barça." Marcelo said and everyone nodded, "hopefully." I stated and watched the outside as we were driving to the stadium.


The game was now 1-2 and James has been subbed in for Karim Benzema. Chloe had just arrived from practice and she glanced at the score, biting her lip nervously.

"You better win this game," Chloe said and sat next to the teams' wives. "Chloe!" She looked down and Junior ran towards her, "junior!" Chloe smiled and picked him up in her arms. "Papai hasn't scored yet," he frowned and Chloe sighed.

"He's probably got stuff on his mind, don't worry, he's trying his best on the field." Chloe assumed, kissing his cheek.

After three minutes of James being subbed in, one of the boys crossed the ball and he scored it in. "THAT'S MY BABY!" Chloe stood up, cheering and everyone joined in.

After five minutes the time went into an extra 2 minutes, and Messi scored the winning goal to put them in lead. Real Madrid fans booed throughout the stadium as the rivals fans cheered.

Leo ran and took his shirt off showing his jersey off. "Whatever," Chloe scoffed and stood up to go to where James walked off to the locker rooms.

"Amor," Chloe called out and James looked at her from a frown to a smile. "I thought you were at practice?" He asked and kissed his girlfriend. "No, well yeah, we just ended early I guess." She shrugged and he nodded.

  "I just came to support my boyfriend," Chloe smiled and James put his arm around her after he changed. "Let's go," James insisted and the two left.


I made this chapter one the day Barca and Real went against each other but it took me a long time to update this book because I have a sprained wrist from playing goalie in my tournament and it's pretty bad. :)))) I'm sorry for updating late. Also, I haven't been talking about Neymar in this book yet, but we're getting to it.

Dalliance (j.r./n.j.) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now