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*From the previous chapter*

She managed to put on a smile and laughed softly. "I'm glad I have you Cris." She looked up at him, making eye contact. They leaned in-


*Chloe's POV*

I was startled when I woke up.


I looked up and saw James. "You scared me." I sat up and wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Are you okay?" He sat beside me and Sergio stood up putting his hand on my forehead. "You're burning Chloe." I nodded, "it's nothing. I was just sweating," I looked at Sergio. "Are you sure?" James asked, "I'm sure." Sergio got up. "She's fine right? Can she go to the game." Toni walked in the living room.

James nodded, "if she wants." I looked at him, "I'm going Toni, everything's fine." I smiled and he nodded. Isco trailed behind Toni, "YAAY."

We all laughed and looked at him. "Is he always like this?" I whispered to James. "Yeah." He whisper back. Isco turned to us. "I heard that!" He walked out.

"Well, we should get getting." Sergio looked at the time. James and I got up and headed for the door, "thanks for letting us stay the night."

"Anytime!" He shouted from the kitchen.

"He let us stay the night?" Sergio asked.

"No, you guys got drunk yesterday." James said. "Ohhh yeah," I rolled my eyes.

"You guys were all huddled in a circle laughing." James shuddered. "And did disgusting stuff." I looked at James and laughed, putting my arm around his waist.

Sergio looked at him weird. "What did we do?" James looked at him, opened his mouth and closed it again. I bursted out in laughter.

"It's not funny Chloe," James crossed his arms, he pouted. "I'm sorry," I stopped laughing and snorted.

"I really want to know what happened," Sergio looked at James. James sighed, "you guys put music on and started dancing on Cristiano's and my lap." He shuddered again.

Sergio's jaw dropped and eyes widen. I bursted in laughters again, almost falling to the ground. "I was traumatized, I just wanted you guys to go to sleep or pass out already." I was still laughing, "Cristiano enjoyed it." He looked at Sergio. "Eww!" I snorted, "let me guess, Sergio was the one dancing on him." James looked at me, "oh no, he didn't only have Sergio on him, what's worse is that I got Isco and Toni." I laughed, "well I'll see you at the game." I hugged and kissed him, heading towards Sergio's car.

James and Sergio hugged and James left, Sergio got into the car and drove off. "So who you guys going against today?" I said going onto my phone. "Uhhh. I think Granada," he replied focusing on the road. "That should be an easy win," I went on Instagram. "For sure," he looked at me then at the road.

He parked in front of the big house and got out, we went into the house and got ready for the game.


I know this chapter was boring and I'm so sorry, I had a hard time thinking of what to write in this and so I just had to wing it. I'll try my best to write the next chapter and come up with the plot.

Dalliance (j.r./n.j.) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now