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We reached the stadium and I walked to the locker room. "Go head out to the field on the benches, I'll meet you there." She nodded and kissed my cheek, walking off to the field.

I changed and heard talking, "James was with Chloe last night Cristiano." Gareth said, "and your point is?" I looked through the slightly opened door and saw them talking.

"When are you going to try and fight for her?" Isco asked.

"If she chose James, Then that's all her. I just want her to be happy, and if she is then I am too. Let's just be glad we're just friends and we cleared things out." Cristiano spoke out to both of them.

Isco yawned, "are you done yet?" Cristiano rolled his eyes and walked out greeting me. "Hi James," I waved and smiled.

"Hola James!"


They all walked passed by me and I changed into my practice uniform. I walked out and ran on the field joining the others.

"Hammyyyyy!" Toni jumped onto my back as I caught him and laughed.

"Hi," I put him down and started walking.

"Well someone's not happy today." Toni frowned, "what's up?" He put his arm around my neck and I looked at him.

"Do you have anything against Chloe and I being together?" Toni looked up at the sky, "hmmm, nope. Why?" He looked back at me.

"I heard Gareth, Isco, and Cristiano talking about Cristiano fighting for Chloe." I sighed, "well, she chose you and that's her final decision. Plus, she rejected Cris many times and he's still not giving up." I laughed, "thanks." I said, "no problem." He winked at me and slipped off towards Luka.

We started finishing up practice after an hour, Chloe was waiting for me at the bench talking to Zidane.

As always I was the last leave the field, when I walked to the locker rooms I heard Sergio and Cristiano talking.

I sighed, great another talk about Chloe and I.

*Sergio's POV*

"I don't want you to get in between my sister and James' relationship. You hurt my sister way too many times and I know she hurt you equally at the same time." I looked Cristiano.

"You know I wouldn't hurt her," He said darting his eyes back at me. "I would never."

"How could I know if you're lying to me, Cris. I know you, you get the girls you want and throw them away like trash." I said back, "my sister doesn't deserve that." Cristiano scoffed.

"Thanks for thinking I'm gonna lie and hurt your sister." Cristiano headed for the door. "Even though I love your sister so much."

He walked out and looked at James who was standing in front of the door.

James walked in and grabbed his bag, "is it okay if Chloe stays the night with me?" He looked at me, "yeah sure." I nodded my head, "thanks." He smiled and I smiled back and did a handshake. He walked out and headed towards the field to get Chloe and go home.

I grabbed all my belongings and walked to my car and headed home. Once I headed home, I went to bed with my beautiful fiancé.

Dalliance (j.r./n.j.) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now