Chapter 1

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"Claire, get your head off of the table or you'll get syrup in your hair!" Lily scolded as I tried to get more sleep next to my pancakes.

"But I was up till two in the morning doing that Charms essay!" I whined, lifting my head up reluctantly. "Besides, I already know the summoning charm."

"Yes, but it's for revision," Camellia points out smartly. "We've all learned Accio."

I let out a noise of frustration and decided I'd start poking my pancakes with a fork.

"I might just hex you if you don't start eating those pancakes rather than playing with them." Lily glared, slapping my hand lightly to get me to stop.

"Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind," I sighed, taking a small bite of my pancakes.

"Yeah like–Sirius."

"Sirius?" I repeated as Camellia laughed lightly.

"No I mean he's coming," Camellia corrected herself. "James too."

Lily and I groaned as they sat down on either sides of us.

"Hey Clairesse, you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Black asked with that annoying smirk. Merlin how I hate that smirk.

"Nope. And it's Claire," I corrected with a glare. "Unless, of course, you fancy the merpeople."

I watched in the corner of my eye as Black's smirk faltered, and his bright eyes went grey. But the smirk quickly reappeared, along with the sparkle in his eyes.

The sight was honestly one of the saddest things I've ever seen. I mean, someone always so joyful suddenly sad and lacking the usual spark of joy. I'd gotten quite used to seeing a permanent smile on that boy's face, so a frown looked almost foreign.

I quickly shrugged off any ounce of concern. There was no reason Black should be upset. I mean, he's got all the girls in this school in a line waiting to be his next girlfriend.

"Well I think I'll stay on land." The smirk was twice as large as it was before. "I'll see you in Charms?"

"Just like every other day," I replied with a huff, taking another small bite of my pancakes.

He got up and went to rejoin his friends on the other end of the table. I noticed Potter was back over there and concluded that Lily had rejected him again. Not that I ever doubted it.

"When do they ever stop?" I looked at the girls with pleading eyes, begging to receive an answer.

"It would appear as...never." Camellia shot me a small smile, opening a book as she waited for us to finish breakfast.

I finished my pancakes — after ten minutes of complaining from Lily — and we made our way to Charms. One of the many classes I unfortunately had with Black.

 One of the many classes I unfortunately had with Black

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"Any luck, Prongs?" I asked as I rejoined the other guys at the table.

"No, but this time she didn't call me a git!" He said as a smirk grew on his face.

"So what did she call you?" Peter questioned.

James looked down at his food as his smirk faltered, looking back up with only a small smile.

"It may have been something along the lines of an Arrogant Toe Rag," he muttered, but quickly added, "That's progress though!"

"Um, yeah, James. That's a lot of progress," Remus responded with a sympathetic smile.

"I don't see you making any progress with anyone!" James shot.

"I actually am making progress with someone," Remus quipped. His cheeks flushed pink and he quickly looked away from our prying eyes.


He ignored our question, simply gazing over my shoulder with lovesick eyes. I turned around to look at what he was looking at but it was just the girls.

"Are you looking at Claire and Lily?" I asked as I turned back around.


"You better not be looking at Lily," James growled lightly, and I nodded in agreement.

"No! I'm not looking at Lily!" Remus said frantically.

"So you're looking at Claire?" My eyes went wide and I sat up straighter at the mention of Claire's name.

"I'm not looking at either of them!"

"Then it's Camellia, right?" Peter concluded, shoving more food into his mouth.

Remus' face turned beet red and James gasped. My jaw dropped as the realization finally hit me.

"Moony has a crush," James finally spoke.

"Moony has a crush!" I repeated.

"Moony does not have a crush!" Remus denied, gathering his books and walking out of the great hall.

"Moony so has a crush."

First chapter! Finally! I promise the chapters will start to get longer, but this is the hardest I've ever worked on a story and I'm really excited for it!I hope you guys like it, and, if you're reading this comment 'Moony has a crush'

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First chapter! Finally! I promise the chapters will start to get longer, but this is the hardest I've ever worked on a story and I'm really excited for it!
I hope you guys like it, and, if you're reading this comment 'Moony has a crush'.

First chapter! Finally! I promise the chapters will start to get longer, but this is the hardest I've ever worked on a story and I'm really excited for it!I hope you guys like it, and, if you're reading this comment 'Moony has a crush'

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