Chapter 6

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It's now April, and O.W.L.s are right around the corner.

Not a lot has happened these last few months.

I feel the only major thing that's happened, is that Camellia and Remus are finally dating.

I don't know what was holding them back, but Camellia told Remus something, and now they're both utterly in love with each other.

But nonetheless, they're both happy, and Lily and I are both miserable.

We are both lonely. Camellia has a boyfriend now, and while neither one of us can blame her, she spends a lot of time with him.
Lily and I both don't have boyfriend, and aren't close to having one as nobody likes us like that....well except for Potter and Black. But I don't think they classify as a 'Somebody'! They're more like a 'Somebody that you should run as far away as possible from when you see them'.

So it's just me, Lily.............and Severus.

While Lily claims Severus is nice and caring, I see him for what he really is.

Severus hangs out with people like Lucious Malfoy, Bellatrix Black, Narcissa Black and some black haired guy I've never seen but the back of his head before.
And while Lily thinks he's just with them because he has no other friends. Camellia and I know he's there because he wants to be there, and so that he can plan his perfect Death Eater life serving his precious lord.

But enough about that! There is one thing that has changed which I have now noticed.

The last time I heard a girl say she slept with Sirius Black, was back in December when a girl dated him to make her cheating ex jealous.
Stupid if you ask me.

But, I honestly think he's just gone through them all.
He's probably moved on to girls in his neighborhood for when we go on break.

Camellia says he's changed, but I think that's rubbish.

He's Sirius bloody Black! The player! The heartbreaker! The man who's just too good for a long relationship!

Enough about Black though!

I'm currently walking to the Black Lake on a Saturday. By myself of course.

Everyone's mostly at Hogsmeade, or for first and second years' case, in the castle. But I'm taking a peaceful walk, away from trouble. Also know as away from the Marauders.

Well. I was away from trouble before I bumped into somebody in the middle of my thoughts.

I looked up to find a boy with black hair. It wasn't as long as Black's hair. But it wasn't necessarily short.

He looked around hastily as if someone was watching him before turning around and reaching his hand out for me, so that I could get off the ground I now realized I had fallen on.

Looking at his face, I realized that his hair was not the only thing similar to Black's.

He had the gray eyes, with a little bit more blue than Black's had.
He had a similar face shape, almost as if they were twins, but his eyes held fear. Whilst Black's held pride.

I quickly noticed the green on his robes, and was able to confirm my unspoken prediction.

This was the black haired boy who Severus hangs out with.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I-"

"It's fine, really, I shouldn't have been running in the first place," He shrugged.

I was a little taken aback at how nice he was being. Considering he was a Slytherin.

Not saying that's a bad thing! It's just. You don't find many kind Slytherins these days.

"It's fine. My names Claire. Claire Bennet," I smiled.
He smiled back before replying.
"I'm Regulus Black."

I freeze in my spot. Eyes widening as I gape at him.

This was Black's brother.

I mean, there were a lot of Blacks' in Hogwarts. But this was definitely the one I heard Remus mention one time!

"Merlin's beard. You're Sirius Black's brother aren't you?" I asked. My voice shaking slightly as I pray he isn't like Black.

Can I call him Black now that I know two Blacks?

Do I have to call him Sirius now?

Maybe I call him Sirius in my head and around Regulus, and then say Black around everyone else.

What am I even talking about? I don't even know if Regulus is considered a friend or if he's like Sirius!

"Oh, um, yeah. That's my older brother. Are you one of the girls he's been with then?" Regulus asked with an eye roll.
"Oh Merlin no! I was just hoping you weren't like him," I replied quickly.

Regulus chuckled and shook his head.
"No, I'm nothing like him."

"So, you're a Slytherin," I pointed out.
"Obviously. Why do you ask?" Regulus questioned.
"Well, I've noticed that a lot of the Blacks are Slytherins," I stated. Pointing out the obvious.
"Are you a muggleborn?" Regulus asked.

I scoffed and folded my arms over my chest.
"I'm a half blood thank you! Why do you ask?!"
"No no! I didn't mean it like that! It's just. You've never heard of the Blacks?"

I glanced curiously at him.

"They're most commonly referred to as the most Noble House of Black. But we're basically just a house of pure bloods and Slytherins. Sirius was the first one to not be in Slytherin," Regulus explained.

I nodded. Showing I understood. But I wasn't completely following.

Sirius seems like a perfectly normal person.

I mean. Yes, he's a massive git. Yes, he's an idiot. Yes, he's egotistical. But he's not necessarily showing sadness of any sort.

So were they proud he was placed in Gryffindor?

I honestly don't know. And I honestly don't know why I care so much about Sirius all of a sudden.

But there is a plus to all this negativity!

I've got a new friend, and I'm not alone!

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