Chapter 10

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Thinking about it now, I realize how selfish and idiotic this plan actually is.

I mean, I just got disowned, and it's 10:00pm.

Could this get any worse?

Well, apparently it can.

The wind started to grow stronger, and I felt water fall onto my face.


The rain picked up and it was now storming.

Making sure no one was watching, I turned into my animagus form and started running to my destination.

Oh, I guess I should tell you what I'm doing.

Well, I'm going to the only person I know will help me.

James Potter.


I'm just showing up at his house at midnight and asking to live with him until I graduate and get an apartment.

I shakily knocked on the door after switching back to Sirius rather than Padfoot and waited patiently. Well as patiently as Sirius Black can be.

After a minute or two I heard footsteps, and then the unlocking of locks, before the rattle of a turning doorknob.

James's face appeared and I let out a sigh of relief as it wasn't one of his parents.

"Sirius? What are you doing here?"

I rubbed the back of my neck and looked anywhere but him.
"Well. You see. I kinda got disowned."

He snorted before opening the door wider.

"Well come in, it's cold out there," James stated making me grin widely.
"Thanks, Prongs."
"No problem, Pads."


The rest of the summer passed rather quickly. But I didn't mind.

That meant the sooner I got to see the love of my life.


I'm talking about Claire.

Her beautiful soft dark brown hair and gorgeous hazel eyes took over my thoughts as I sat in the Marauders compartment on the Hogwarts Express.

How badly I wanted to hear her laugh, see her smile, smell her coconut scented hair, hold her hand, and taste her lips ran through my head as I looked out the window.

My thoughts were cut off though as the door slid open and in came the angel I had been thinking of.

"Hey idiots. I came for Remus. Camellia hasn't shut up about you since she sat down, and Lily and I were hoping you could do something," Her sweet angelic voice spoke.

"Sure," Remus be nodded after giving us all a glance to make sure it was ok.
"But say hi to Lilyflower for me," James stated.
"Sure thing Prongs."

I sighed dreamily as she walked out, but Remus's face got in the way of hers and I was brought out of my thoughts.

"Padfoot are you okay?" Peter squeaked.

I turned to him with a big smile plastered on my face.

"I'm gonna do it this year Wormtail. I'm going to make that girl mine this year," I claimed.
"Amen to that," James sighed, mumbling things about Lily.

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