Chapter 26

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December came rather quickly. Meaning that Hogsmeade trips were starting.

Today was actually the first one, and Lily, Camellia and I were going with James, Sirius and Remus for a group date.
It was originally going be the six of us and Peter, but Peter was off doing who knows what.

Oh yeah. James and Lily started dating last week. The first of December to be exact.

So currently the girls and I were in our dormitory getting ready for this date. Two hours before the actual date.
"Merlins beard! I can't believe we slept in!" Lily exclaimed, already brushing her frizzy bed hair out.
"Lily, we have two hours," I said, slowly going through my clothes to find an outfit.
"Technically we have half an hour if you want breakfast," Camellia stated, fully dressed and putting her makeup on.

My eyes widened at this and I immediately started throwing clothes on my bed. Finally deciding on black legging with Sirius's Quidditch sweatshirt he gave me that was only slightly to big for me. Along with converse.

I only put a little bit of make up on, and decided I would put my hair in a messy bun.

Turning around, I found that Camellia was wearing a similar outfit. But she was wearing a solid white sweatshirt.
Her hair was in its perfect waves.

Lily, however, was wearing jeans and a green sweater.
Her hair was straightened – per usual – and her make up was also light.

We made it down in time to get some bacon. But we ended up deciding we'd just get the boys to buy us lunch at The Three Broomsticks later.

The three of us walked down to the carriages and waited with all the other students waiting to get a carriage.
The boys were no where in sight, so we just talked as we waited.

"Claire, did you brush your hair out before putting it in a bun?" Camellia asked, poking a strand of hair that was sticking out. Said strand of hair was knotted to another strand of hair sticking out.
"No. Why are you making fun of me? It's not my fault my hair isn't as perfect as yours when I wake up," I said, pulling the odd strand of hair around my bun.
"Yeah Cam. Why are making fun of her? I think she looks beautiful," A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see Sirius. James and Remus right behind him.

"I see you're wearing my sweatshirt," Sirius said as he took my hand.
"Your sweatshirt?" I repeated, "This sweatshirt was mine the moment you offered it last year."

He chuckled as we all got on a carriage. Lily and I having to sit on James and Sirius's lap as only four people can fit in one carriage.
Remus offered to let Camellia sit on his lap. But Camellia refused. Claiming that it was unnecessary considering there was a seat available right next to him.
Everyone but Lily knew the real reason she didn't want to was because the full moon was in three days, and Remus was having a hard time this month.

"So. What do you guys plan on doing after Hogwarts?" Camellia asked, trying to start a conversation as we waited for the carriages to start moving.
"Career wise, I want to be an Auror or a Proffesor. Given the current circumstances, most likely an Auror," Remus stated.
"I'd like to be an Auror too," James said.
"Same," The rest of us spoke.

There was silence for a minute before Lily broke it.
"Out of pure curiosity. What do you four plan on doing, relationship wise?"

Camellia and Remus both blushed. And Sirius was much like me. We both knew what we wanted, but we haven't actually talked about it before.

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