Chapter 57

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September was, to say the least, terrifying.

Sirius and I were still trying to work around only being able to leave the house one at a time, and this war was making it ten times worse.

Only weeks after Albus did the charm, we had an Order meeting at our house.

Caradoc Dearborn went missing. Weeks later, his body was found, beaten, tortured. The work of Death Eaters.

October, during one of the Orders fights against Death Eaters, I suppose it could be called. The Death Eaters managed to get Sirius, while of course I was stuck in our house.

He was transported to St Mungo's, the Healers being told a Death Eater attacked him and he had been calling for help. Of course, I was not aware of any of this and sat at the house with Scarlett, worried sick until Sirius walked in the door a day after he had left for the supposedly quick Order fight against Death Eaters.

That had gotten Albus a real earful.

November led to another death. Benjy Fenwick, found murdered and mutilated. By none other than Death Eaters.

December had earned the front cover of The Daily Prophet. Over twenty muggles found dead.

January came, bringing not only 1981, but another Order death. Dorcas Meadows, the bravest girl I knew, had been killed by Voldemort himself.

February did not bring love, but hatred as Marlene, along with the rest of the McKinnons, were murdered by Death Eaters.

Than March, James and Sirius both came home with cuts littering their faces. Remus with them, had almost all of his scars reopened.

This had definitely angered Lily, Camellia, and I. Our husbands, and boyfriend, coming home in pain, it was definitely concerning.

April was, compared to the other months, relaxing. Remus had finally mustered the courage and proposed to Camellia.

It was the happiest any of us had seen Camellia and Remus in months.

Then May came. And everything seemed to crumble.

Another Order meeting was held at Sirius and I's house, and it was not a good one.

"There is a traitor among us," Albus said gravely.
"What?!" We all exclaimed, looking around at all of the Order members.
"Voldemort knows of the prophecy," gasps from James and Lily, "he knows where Claire and Sirius are," gasps from Sirius and I, "he knows that Remus is a werewolf," Camellia and Remus frowned, "and he knows that Alice and Frank have a son as well," gasps from Frank and Alice.

This was the worst thing that could happen right now.

"Well we didn't have this problem before their group showed up!" Mundungus spat, his finger jabbing in the direction of James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Camellia, Lily, and I.
"Well we also haven't had this problem until now! We've been apart of the Order for years now!" Camellia scowled.
"I can confirm, after experimenting with this problem, that Mundungus is right" Albus sighed.
"What?! Experimenting?!" Lily exclaimed.
"I've been telling important information to only certain parts of the Order. I told your group that Lily and James would be moving houses. That is the only information Voldemort has received," Albus explained.

We all stared wide eyed at him.

"It's probably the lady!" Mundungus continued, his finger now jabbed at Camellia.
"Excuse me?!" Remus and Camellia both snapped.
"You heard me!" Mundungus exclaimed.
"I would never serve someone as foul as him!" Camellia spat.
"Well maybe it's the werewolf!" Sturgis claimed.
"I'd never work alongside the man who cursed me!" Remus scowled.
"Maybe h-"
"Enough pointing fingers!" Albus yelled.

Everyone stayed silent.

"There is no way we will know! Important information will only be told to trustworthy people! I do not believe James and Lily would give information to the person who wants to murder their son! I will be talking to them about arrangements! Now! I'm going to ask all of you to leave!" Albus exclaimed.
"Leave?" Alastor questioned.
"Yes. I will as well. Maybe they will sort this out themselves," Albus stated.

Stupidly, they all apparated at the same time. Scarlett and Harry's cry's filled the air as this happened.

James, Lily, and I scurried off to tend to the two. Camellia and Peter went off to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Sirius and Remus remained in the living room.

Scarlett and Harry calmed down oddly fast, so James, Lily, and I were quickly making our way back to the living room, but were stopped by Remus and Sirius's voices.

"Sirius we need to talk," Remus sighed.
"About?" Sirius questioned.
"The spy. I-I think I know who it is," Remus claimed.

James, Lily, and I exchanged looks of concern.

"What? Who?" Sirius asked.
"C-Claire," Remus muttered, just loud enough for us to hear.

James and Lily looked at me curiously, earning furious shakes of my head.
"No!" I mouthed to them.

"And why would you say that, Remus?" Sirius asked through gritted teeth.
"Sirius don't take this the wrong way. But just think about it! James and Peter are our brothers, we know they wouldn't do it!" Remus stated.
"So you're blaming the girls?!" Sirius inquired, his eyes blazing.
"N-No. Because I know it's not Camellia. And like Dumbledore said, it's not James or Lily," Remus mumbled.
"So you're blaming my wife. Great.
Well, I think it's Camellia," Sirius scowled.
"What? Why?" Remus questioned.
"Because I know it's not Claire!" Sirius said boldly.
"That's your excuse for why it's not Claire?" Remus scoffed.
"That was your excuse as to why it's not Camellia," Sirius spat.
"I don't care what you think Sirius. But I know it's Claire," Remus stated.
"And I know it's not," Sirius spoke.

"Scarlett's asleep," I stated as I walked into the room, pretending I hadn't heard anything.
"C-Claire. Hey," Remus stuttered.

Sirius was still red in the face.

"Hey Rem. Anyway, about that spy thing. Who do you think it is?" I asked.
"Dunno," Remus sighed.
"Remus Lupin? Did you just say 'Dunno' instead of 'Don't Know'?" Camellia laughed as she came in with sandwiches with Peter.

Remus shrugged.

"Suppose I did."


Later that night, Sirius stayed quiet. Staring up at the ceiling as I cuddled up next to him.

"Are you considering that I may be the spy?" I asked after a minute of him looking away from him.

His head snapped in my direction, his eyes wide.

"What?! No! Claire I know you're not the spy! Why would you think that?" Sirius asked.
"Because I'm not an idiot. I heard you and Remus. Thank's for sticking up for me then," I smiled slightly.
"You're my wife. If I hadn't then you'd be right in divorcing me," Sirius sighed.
"Don't say that," I scolded.
"It's true though. But why aren't you upset over this?" Sirius questioned.
"Because I know I'm not the spy. So why should I let it effect me? If anything, I've just lost a friend," I shrugged.
"I can't believe how strong you are," Sirius chuckled.

I smiled at him as he trailed his hand up and down my arm.

"A mother at twenty. Well. Eighteen technically. And now you're fighting in a war," Sirius sighed.
"You're a father. And you're fighting. You're just as strong, if not stronger," I mumbled.
"I love you so much Clairesse Black," Sirius whispered.
"I love you more Sirius Black," I replied, letting the use of my full name slide.
"You can say that. But I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you," Sirius stated.
"Meh. I always thought you were really hot," I shrugged.
"Wait what?"
"Oh whatever. I'm going to bed."

That was beautiful I know.

Another update on Christmas Eve! Even though my last one was barely Christmas Eve seeing as I wrote it at two in the morning.
But I hope you're all having a very merry day!

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