Chapter 50

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I know that not everyone reads my Authors notes at the end of chapters, so I figured I'd put it up here so you'd be forced to look at it before this exciting chapter.

This is chapter 50!!!

50 chapters of my favorite story I've written so far!

Not only that, but 15,000 reads! Yes! 15,000!

But not just that!

600 votes!

(I just need to add that in the time that I wrote this section and the time I actually published it, the story went up 1,000 reads and up 100 votes. Like, what?)

I truly can not thank you guys enough, but thank you! Your support means everything to me and I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I do!

And speaking of which, you're all going to want to read this one. ;)


It was now mid December.

Snow covered the ground.

Blankets could be found in every room of our house.

The fireplace was almost always on.

And socks were always worn.


However. At eight in the morning. Sirius and I braced the cold as we excitedly entered the bathroom.

I lunged towards the cabinet, grabbing the small box I had tossed in there a month ago.

Following every instruction on the box, we sat waiting.

"Don't watch Sirius!" I laughed.
"But I can't not watch!" Sirius whined.
"Sure you can. We'll look together when the timer goes off," I smiled.

Finally, after what felt like years, the timer went off, meaning the results would be on this test.

"Remember, one line negative, two lines positive," I mumbled, leaning forward to stare at it.

Our mouths dropped as our eyes met the lines.

"You said two for positive?" Sirius questioned.

Two lines appeared next to each other, as bold as can be.

"Okay, they say you should take multiple tests to make sure," I breathed out. Trying but failing to keep my excitement down.

So after waiting for forever, there were three tests laying in front of us.

Two had two lines, and the other actually had the word pregnant.

I let out a shaky breath, looking over at Sirius who grinned at me.

"We're going to be parents Claire. We're going to have a baby," Sirius spoke, tears welling up in his eyes.

My tears had skipped that phase and went straight to rolling down my cheeks.

"Merlin's beard Sirius! I'm going to be a mum! You're going to be a dad!" I laughed through my tears.
"That's crazy," Sirius chuckled lightly, taking one of the tests into his hand and blinking furiously as to got the tears out of his eyes.
He stared at the test once his vision wasn't blurred by his tears, his mouth parted slightly as he stared in wonder.

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