Chapter 25

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"I'm telling you James. We've got this," Camellia told the doubtful young man.
"I just don't understand how you two think you can do this in an hour and a half. When I've been trying for six years and haven't been able to do it," James complained, running his hand through his messy hair.

Camellia and I both rolled our eyes.

"James. All you have to do is ask her out," I spoke.

He just nodded, still looking doubtful.

"Just trust us," Camellia and I urged.


It's only been a month since we got back to Hogwarts. And in case you haven't guessed, Camellia and I are matchmaking!

Well, technically we're just convincing Lily she should date James.

But that's not the point!

I need to focus on the task at hand.

"Lily!!!" I screamed as Camellia and I walked into our dormitory.
"What?!" Lily screamed back.
"We want to do something," Camellia stated, plopping herself down on her bed.
"What she said," I nodded, plopping myself on my bed much like Camellia did.
"Like what?" Lily asked, walking out of the bathroom and revealing her straightened hair.
"How do you get your hair so straight?!" I asked, standing up and walking towards her. Petting her straight hair.

Lily looked over at Camellia with a raised eyebrow.

"She had a cup of coffee this morning," Camellia sighed.
"Oh. Well. What did you girls want to do?" Lily asked, recalling our entrance.

"Truth or Dare!" I exclaimed excitedly, which being apart of the plan.
"Okay. Who first?" Lily asked, nodding to show she agreed with the game.
"I'll go," Camellia offered.

Lily and I waited patiently. Well. Lily waited patiently as Camellia thought about what she'd say.

"Claire. Truth or Dare?"
"Shush Lily."
"Can you two stop screaming at each other? Yes? Thank you."

Lily and I folded our arms over our chests.

"Okay, what was the most embarrassing moment of your life?" Camellia questioned.

My cheeks heated up at the memory.

"When I tripped over my robes in first year when my name was called during the sorting ceremony," I answered quickly, eager to move on.
"Camellia. Truth of Dare?"
"Dare," Camellia answered confidently.
"Say 'Banana' after everything you say, until your next turn," I dared, laughing as she glared at me.
"Claire. Truth or Dare? Banana."
"Truth again."
"How many cups of coffee did you really have this morning? Banana."
"I dunno. I lost count after three. Counting is hard when you're laughing at every thing that moves," I mumbled frustratingly.

Lily snorted and Camellia laughed.

"Camellia, Truth or Dare?" I questioned.
"Dare. Banana"
"I dare you to go downstairs, and hug the first person you see" I said with a grin.

She glared at me again, but got up and opened the door.

Lily and I quickly followed, already giggling as we watched her walk up to the only person in the Common Room, which being Harold Dixon.

She stopped to turn around and glare at me, before turning back to Harold and hugging him.

The boy looked up from his book and blushed a dark red at the sight of Camellia.

As soon as Camellia released him, he ran out of the Common Room. Dropping his book on the way.

Camellia, Lily and I returned to our Dormitory. Sitting back down to continue the game.

"Okay Claire. I'm going to get you back for that. Truth or Dare?" Camellia asked.
"Chicken!" Lily yelled.
"Fine! Dare," I exclaimed, already regretting it as soon as it left my mouth.
"I dare you to go find Sirius and run up to him and jump on his back, screaming things you love about him," Camellia dares, returning the grin I gave her earlier. And I returned the glare she gave me earlier.
"Fine," I shrugged, getting up to go back downstairs.

Camellia and Lily followed me as we walked down the stairs. Finding all four of the Marauders walking towards the portrait door to leave the Common Room.

I ran up behind them, and jumped on Sirius's back. Making the three other boys turn around and start laughing as Sirius yelped.

"I love you so much Sirius! I love your hair! I love your eyes! I love your personality! I just love you Sirius!" I screamed.
"Um, I love you too Claire?" Sirius said with an arched eyebrow.

I ruffled his hair and hopped off his back, skipping up the stairs. Camellia and Lily following.

"Okay! Cam-" I started, but I was cut off by Lily.
"Am I going to get a turn, or do I have to watch you two go back and forth?"

Camellia and I both looked at each other before grinning.

This is exactly how we planned it.

"Okay then Lily. Truth or Dare?" I asked.
"Dare," Lily answered confidently.
"I dare you, to date James for
at least a month"
"WHAT?! No. Nope. Nada. Just, no." Lily refused, furiously shaking her head.
"Yes," Camellia and I both said.
"Ugh! A month?" Lily repeated with a scowl.
"Yes! I bet you, if you go find James right now, he'll ask you out. Then you can say yes," I said with a nod.
"Okay. So you mean to say, that on first of November, I can break up with him?" Lily asked.
"No. You'll have to be right on the dot," I said with a wide smirk.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean. You say yes to a date with him today, but you have to know exactly when he asks you to be his girlfriend. So if he asks you at 2:17 in the afternoon, you have to wait till 2:17 in the afternoon a month later to be break up with him," I explained.

Lily just glared.

But reluctantly, she agreed.

And James couldn't be happier when she said yes.

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