Chapter 27

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It had been three days since the group date James, Lily, Camellia, Remus, Claire and I had gone on.
Meaning tonight was a full moon.

It was raining tonight. So Claire wasn't very happy we weren't going to be able to go out.
To make it up to her though, I was taking her on a date tomorrow night.

I was currently walking down a corridor that would lead outside so I could meet the guys at the Shrieking Shack. Where we would most likely talk about our next prank on Snivellus.

But, someone decided to pull me into a broom cupboard.

How nice of them.

Turning to face the person who decided they'd kidnap me, I was met by,


Well, speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

"Is there something you'd like?" I asked as nicely as possible.
"I'd like to talk," Snivellus responded.
"Well. I didn't think you'd go as far as dragging me into a broom cupboard just to talk to me," I quipped.
"Don't be stupid, I dragged you in here so nobody would catch me doing this," Snivellus snarled.

Before I could ask what he was doing, he waved his wand, shooting ropes around me.

I looked down at myself, then looked back up at Snivellus with a frown.

"You couldn't get me a chair?"

He ignored me and started speaking.

"Just an hour ago. I saw Madam Pomfrey taking your little friend down to the Whomping Willow," Snivellus said.

Huh, Madam Pomfrey finally took Remus down herself.
She usually had us do it.

Wait a minute.

Did he just say what I think he just said?!



Think Sirius think!

You're a Marauder! You're supposed to be a natural at lying!

"Snivellus. Madam Pomfrey saves people. Not walks them to their death," I stated, trying my hardest to look at least a little confused at his comment.
"I'm not an idiot Black. What I'm asking, is why did I see her lead him inside the Whomping Willow?" Snivellus questioned, and I could feel the ropes around me tighten as he grew more and more frustrated.

Finally coming up with a decent excuse, I said,
"Snivellus, I think you're crazy."

He stared at me with a scowl before saying,
"Actually. I think you're just not telling me something."

"Why do you even want to know?" I asked.
"Because I know it leads somewhere, but I want to know where," Snivellus said, growing impatient.

I rolled my eyes at his reply. Really wishing I could reach my wand and curse the idiot.

"I know you know where it leads Black. And you're going to tell me."
"And why should I tell you."
"Because I have a few love potions brewed. And it'd be so easy to just pour a little bit of it in your girlfriends drink."

I froze at his words.

He wouldn't do that. Would he?

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, hoping he would believe me.

"You're. Lying."

"No Snivellus. I'm not."

"Did I say you're girlfriend? How about you're girlfriend, and Potters girlfriend?" He asked with a smirk.

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