Chapter 49

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Pregnancy did not come as easily as I thought.

I had found that out simply by looking at a negative pregnancy test.

Sirius was still asleep, as I had woken up fairly early to take a test. I had sat in the bathroom for an hour, looking for any sign of a second line. But even after an hour, only one line was evident.

"Claire?" A voice called from the other side of the door.
"Yeah?" I choked out.

I hadn't realized I had been crying until then.

"You okay?" Sirius questioned.
"I'm fine, you can come in," I responded, wiping my tears away.
"What happened?" Sirius asked, sitting down across from me.

I handed him the negative test, watching as his frown deepened.

"It was our first time trying Claire, we can try again," Sirius spoke, rubbing my hand with his thumb.
"I know, I just hope we can actually have kids," I mumbled.
"Don't give up hope," Sirius smiled, throwing the test into the trash.

I nodded, wiping away remaining tears.

I allowed Sirius to pull me up, and followed him down into the kitchen.

We had been married for three weeks now.

There was no honeymoon.

Or any relaxing break at that.

We had been busy.
Auror training, Order meetings, part time jobs, trying for a baby.

It was stressful. Very stressful actually.

Sirius had tried putting off trying for the simple reason that I was stressed out.
I had denied this, saying I was fine and there was no need.

The only people who knew we were trying were Mum and Euphemia, who were both absolutely over the moon.

Sirius sat me down at the bar, going around the kitchen as he grabbed ingredients for pancakes.

I got up to help him, but he had just given me a look.

With a sigh I sat and watched him make pancakes.

"I'm fine, Sirius," I spoke.
"But you're not, Claire," Sirius sighed, turning to face me.

Sirius walked over to me, standing in front of me he reached his hand up and caressed my cheek.

"Don't be so upset. Not everyone gets pregnant right away. It may take months, or it may just take one more try. We don't know. But you don't need to worry," Sirius spoke.
"But that's not just it Sirius," I sighed.
"What then?" Sirius asked.
"We're only eighteen, should we be this dedicated?" I questioned, looking up into his grey eyes.
"Claire, how much do you want kids?" Sirius spoke.
"More than anything in the world," I breathed.
"Then that's not a problem. Who cares about our age? We're graduated. We're working on full time jobs. We have part time jobs. We're married! There is nothing stopping us from this," Sirius explained.

I smiled lightly at him.

"You're right Sirius, thank you," I smiled.
"No problem Love. That's what husbands do," Sirius grinned, pecking my lips.

I laughed as he turned around to continue the pancakes.

I was still trying to process the fact that Sirius was my husband.
Or more so, that he'll be the father of my child, when that child comes.

"Now, we need to get ready for work," Sirius states, setting a plate of pancakes in front me.


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