Chapter 14

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~No One~

Memories of the previous night were flooding Claire's and Sirius's minds.

Both sulked through all their classes.

Today would've been they're two month anniversary. Which they originally didn't plan on celebrating, but they both knew if they ever got in another relationship, it'd practically be a holiday.

Claire was angry.


Claire was furious.

Sirius was her first boyfriend, and she honestly thought he'd be her last.

The rain had soothed her. But the new weather, snow, just put her in an even worse mood.

To top it all off. Rumors of Sirius and Donna dating were going around Hogwarts like the Daily Prophets announcement of three muggle families being killed.

Voldemort was growing stronger, and Claire was growing weaker.

Sirius, on the other hand.
Was oblivious to the rumors, and was focused on how he would get his beautiful girl back.

But he was getting nowhere, as every time he tried to think of what he could do, her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and pink plump lips clouded his thoughts.

Lily was growing more and more frustrated as she tried to figure out what was wrong with her friend, but was only given looks that told her to go away.

The Marauders, or three of the Marauders, were livid.

Their friend had just wasted his opportunity on getting a girl he's been drooling over since first year.

James was fuming at how he had just put her aside like she was nothing. The thought of him just using his Lilyflower's friend infuriated him.

Peter was highly disappointed in his friend. And he was struggling to keep himself from exploding as he listened to the rumors.

Remus was enraged with his friends.
He was having to comfort his raging girlfriend because his friend went and used her best friend.

So I guess you could say everybody was mad.

So when Sirius walked into the common room where his fellow Marauders and one of his
ex-girlfriends best friends were. He wasn't expecting to get tackled to the ground by his seething friends.

"Watch the hair!"
"Ow! Moony that was my foot!"
"Camellia get your boyfriend off of me!"
"Prongs you know I don't like it when you sit on my face!"
"Peter stop pulling my hair!"
"James get your bloody butt off of me!"
"Remus I said that hurt, so stop doing it!"
"Not you too Camellia!"

Those were just a few of the things Lily heard from Sirius's mouth as she walked into the common room.

"What is going on in here?!" Lily exclaimed as her face turned as red as her hair.

"Lily! This prat used our best friend!" Camellia seethed.

"What?!" Both Lily and Sirius asked exasperated.

"Wait. What do you mean, 'What'?" James asked irritatedly.

"I mean 'What?', Potter. What else would I mean?!" Lily questioned, highly annoyed I may add.

"No not you! Black!" Camellia raged.

"I mean 'What?!'. I never used Claire. Correction! I would never use Claire!" Sirius incensed.

Everyone froze.

"You didn't?"

"No!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Wait a minute! Sirius and Claire are dating?" Lily questioned.
"Were dating," Sirius corrected with a frown.
"But I thought you said you didn't use her," Peter stated.

"I didn't. How did you guys even come to the conclusion that I used her anyway?" Sirius asked.
"You mean you haven't heard?" James questioned.
"Heard what?" Lily and Sirius spoke.
"The rumors. Everyone's saying that Claire caught Sirius cheating on her with Donna, and now Sirius and Donna are dating," Camellia explained.
"Okay. Only a little bit of that is true," Sirius admitted.


"No! I mean, Donna used a Polyjuice potion to make herself look like Claire, and the real Claire walked in on me kissing the fake Claire. I'm not dating Donna. Nor would I ever date Donna," Sirius added hastily.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Apologies muttered around the room.

"So what do we do now?" Camellia asked.
"You guys can help me stop the rumors, but I know how I'm going to get Claire back," Sirius stated.

And with a bunch of nods of agreement, they began to plan how they would stop the latest talk going through the grapevine.
You guys siriusly(I had to) have no idea how many synonyms for 'mad' I just looked up for this chapter.

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